Chapter 18. Ghosts & Revelations

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"Something wonderful has happened. Ani, I'm pregnant."


Darth Vader crossed his arms as the doors to the conference room opened, allowing two stormtrooper escorts and a bounty hunter inside.

Vader turned towards his guest, a man in Mandalorian armor named Boba Fett, an exceptionally skilled bounty hunter. Vader took note of the way the man favored his left leg slightly as he walked.

"Lord Vader." Fett greeted respectfully as Vader waved away the stormtroopers before turning all attention on the bounty hunter before him.

"We have been looking for your whereabouts." Vader stated warily. "Where have you been hiding?"

"Somewhere safe." Fett said with a shrug. "I take it you know of Jabba's murder?"

"So you were there. Who did it?" Vader demanded.

Fett crossed his arms. "Jabba's Palace was infiltrated by a large organization, I don't know who, but they were smart and it was done with precision, like surgery. No one saw it coming." The bounty hunter glanced at his leg as he spoke, it would be fully healed soon enough but it was still an annoying nuisance.

"Do you have a name?" Vader asked impatiently, not interested in anything more than facts and actual information. Vader was definitely not in the mood today.

"She called herself Leia Skywalker." Fett answered immediately, not wishing to be the brunt of the Dark Lord's wrath.

Vader's breathing seemed to stop all together as if in shock for several seconds before he nodded slowly. "Compensation for this information is awaiting you. Go."

Fett nodded and left, allowing Vader time to himself.

The girl, how could this be? If what he thought was true, he had two children. A son and a daughter. Shocked, Vader sat down in the nearest chair for even his mechanical limps shook slightly at this revelation. It all made sense now, why he saw this girl wielding Skywalker's lightsaber, why he though he had felt a connection and why X-1 had sought the Jedi out with seemingly no thought to the painful and dire consequences.

She had been carrying twins.

Vader balled his fists, not knowing what to do.


Han started up the Falcon as Leia, Chewbacca and Artoo joined him in the cockpit. Threepio and Lando were staying behind for this adventure, deciding to keep an eye on the Rebellion for Leia while she and Han went to get some answers, and where else to get answers than from a Jedi?

"These are the correct coordinates?" Han asked uncertainly as he punched in the set Leia had given him.

"Yes!" Leia replied with impatience, she wanted to get answers immediately and once she spoke with Yoda then maybe he could point them in the right direction to find and rescue Luke.

"Don't get your hair tied in a bunch Highness." Han said casually, trying to lighten the mood as he took the ship into the sky.

Artoo whistled indignantly, Leia nodding in agreement. "Artoo is right, stay focused. We need to hurry, Luke can't last forever."

Han frowned as Chewie engaged the hyperdrive. They shot off into the stars, heading for Dagobah.

Han turned towards Leia, chewing his lip. "Leia," He started.

"Just don't." Leia snapped, becoming irritated.

Han smiled slightly. "I'm worried about him too. But Luke will be fine, he's strong, we'll save him. I promise." Han's voice was genuine and solemn as he spoke, earning Leia's attention instantly.

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