Part six- Should I tell her?

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I went home and got a message from Meghan

Meghan: Hey bby

Fergie: Oh hey sweet muffin

Meghan: We both know what would happen if he wouldn't be there

Fergie: And did we both want it?

Meghan:Who knows

Fergie: Common Meghan, you told me ur not into girls..

Meghan: Maybe yes mabe no

Fergie: Are you kidding me?

Fergie: Hey Meghan explain me

Fergie: Please

Why is she not answering? What is she doing? She always answer. What the hell is she trying to tell me? Like I know she is not into girls at all. Or is she? No..she loves Daryl..but what Fergie she would tell you if she is Bi. But she told me she doesn't want it so why she didn't stop me. Like she didn't try to stop me because I felt her sweet lip on mine. God I want her now.
I'm gonna take a bath,I need to turn of my brain for a while now.

I open my eyes and see Daryl sleeping, god he is so sweet when he's sleeping. I kissed his nose and look at my phone. Oh god Fergie I almost screamed. I forgot about her. I wanted to be with my baby and after all we fell asleep.

Meghan: I'm sorry Fergie I fell asleep

Uhmm it's five mins since I texted her. She always reply in minute. Is she mad at me because I didn't answer or is she confused from today's thing in bathroom..I think..should I tell her that I'm bi? Or should I tell Daryl, like I love him and only him but that chance with Fergie. Oh why my heart and head can't say the same for once? I want give her a chance but I don't want to hurt Daryl, I love him. I have never loved someone like I love him. I'm gonna watch Netflix and think about other things but first I should find my clothes. Hmm my tshirt is probably in living room and other I see on the floor here.
I stand up and then I felt something. It was Daryl holding my hand trying to pull me back under blanket with him.
"Oh I'm sorry babyyy, I didn't wanna wake you up"

"That's alright sweetie, where are you going?"

"Uhmm I wanted to watch Netflix and let you sleep"

"You are so sweet bae but stay with me for a few minutes I'm tired and I want you to be the last thing I see before I close my eyes"

"Aww Daryl I'm the luckiest girl ever"

"No, I'm the luckiest man "

"Aww I love you"

"I love you too"


"Yeah I love you the most Meghan"
I sit down on the bed and kiss him, he grab me and lie me on his chest and cover us with a blanket.
"Dear Ms Trainor I want you to be mine Mrs Sabara" he whispered to my ear

"I'm only yours" I said and grabbed the blanket and ran out of bedroom. I'm in living room, hiden behind wall in hallway to living room. I hear Daryl coming.
"Booo" I screamed and jumped on Daryl. We fell on the ground and I covered us in a blanket I stole from Daryl. I was lying on his chest looking up at his cute face.
"Wassup baby?"

"I just jumped on you and we are lying here on ground half naked and you are not confused?" I laughed

"Baby I love you and lying on this ground with you, naked or not is like a dream came true. I'm here with the prettiest woman I have ever seen and she is mine"

"Daryl, I'm the luckiest woman alive because I have the most kind man alive and he is mine. I love you" he kissed me on my forehead and I hugged him. And then I realized "Daryl we are still on the ground" I said laughing

"Common my baby I have better place for us" he stand up and then he helped me stand.
"What are you doing Daryl?"

"I just want to take my princess to better place"he said putting his hand under my knees and under my back and I put my hands around his neck and kissed his cheek. He giggled and kisses my nose, I giggled too. He put me on couch and gave me my tshirt and he put on his.
I reach out my hands towards to him and he lied next to me.
"Wanna watch Netflix?"

"You know me so well my hero"

"Always my princess in trouble"

While he was looking for remote control I checked my phone. I went on Instagram. I love my fans, all the edited pics and videos, how they support me. Without them I'd be lost. Thank God for my fans, family and the love of my life. I was thoughtful and then I noticed Daryl lookin at me.
"Babe is everything okay?"

"Yeah I was just thinking about how lucky I'm to have so many people supporting me and how lucky I am to have the sweetest man on planet"

"You are the best thing in my life Meghan"
I kiss him and we started watching tv.
After about an hour later my phone beeped. I honestly don't care about it and after about a few minutes after that my phone rang. I ignored that but then it was pretty annoying so I pick it up.
"Hey Meghan I texted you, are you ready?"

"Wait ready for what?"

"We are going to pick your dress for tomorrow"

"Omg when you're gonna be here?"

"I'm there in about an hour"

All about small secretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon