Part five- What happened last night

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I like how this went, we are okay and everything will be normal again.
But..I still can't get out of my head what happened that night at Fergie's house,my brain was so confused I didn't know why I did it..or should I ask..why I stopped it?

My heart I shluld listen to it and my heart says Daryl, and yeah I love him but my head want me to go to Fergie and don't let her just go but Daryl I lovehim so why is everything like this.
I need to be with her alone to find out if she is really over it.

I need to find out if she is over it because I don't believe that she is. I need to be with her alone but how to do it, I don't wanna do nothing i want her to show her feelings but she won't be with me alone if I'll ask her. Gosh I need to go to talk to her before she leaves. Oh there is she and she's coming to me? Okay let's act normal Ferg.


"Yes Megh?"

"I wanted to ask you..uhmm if you wanna go shopping and than coffee?"

"Oh of course! I can't wait."


"And when do you have free time Meghan?"

"Uhm I thought we can go today"

"It's gonna be a bit late, don't you think?"

"Who cares, late means less people right?"

"Oh yeah that's true"

"So what if we will change clothes and go now?"

"That's good idea Meghan, so let's go"

God it was an amazing day with her we were like sisters I was happy like have maybe never been. She made my day and I felt so good with her,it's incredible how someone can be this kind after that all.
"Fergie where we are going to have a coffee?"

"It's on you Megh"

"Uhm I don't want to be out,can we go to or house? Nobody is home so we can talk about girl shits free" I laughed amd Fergie laughed too

"Okay so let's go"

we are finally here and we started with our coffee. We drink the same that's great. Than we take a glass of wine and another one and another..
I woke up in shock, I can't remember what happened, I'm lying under blanked on couch naked and Fergie is not enywhere and Daryl too, it's 9 am okay he is still with Ryan he will be back about noon so okay but where is Fergie and why am I like this, I'm so scared and confused and my head is dizzy, how many wine we drank and was it only wine? Oh got I feel like a total shit I need to get together before Daryl will be back home, I'm gonna take a shower.
Hot water fell on my head and I feel better yet. Shower, the best place to think but about what when I can't remember more than almost empty bottle of wine? I washed me and my hair and put my favourite Tshirt on, I feel much better and freshed now but I'm shaking cuz I'm a bit scared what happened at night but maybe nothing when Fergie wasn't here. I have to find out.

Meghan: Hey Fergie

Fergie: Hey girl♡

Meghan: Can I ask u somethin?

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