"Why the flowers?"

I blew out air. This is where I know Brianna was going to get pissed. But I can't lie to her. "Because I felt guilty," I quietly said, and with disappointment in my voice, then added, "Either way, I would have bought you flowers because of my love for you and how happy I was today."


"The feeling guilty part was a reminder for me not to forget to buy you flowers," I truthfully added. "And if you want to know why I was feeling guilty. It was because Tessa's lips found mine. They may have only touched mine for a mere second, but it still had me feeling ill to my stomach, and it had me feeling guilty. But I had to try to talk her into signing the papers. And as I said earlier, I think I finally got through to her to sign them."

"I've heard enough. I'm going to lay down for a bit."

"Ah, come on, Bri," I pleaded. "I don't understand why you're so damn upset? Don't you see I'm trying to resolve the situation we're in so we can move on with our lives? I want Tessa and I to be officially over, and I felt by telling her what she needed to hear would push her over the edge to finally sign the damn papers and grant me the divorce. I thought that's what you wanted?"

"It is what I want, damn it!"

Brianna looked down, shaking her head. "You said it yourself, Nick," she said, looking up. "Tessa has some screws loose. You fell into the web she spun by meeting her where she wanted you to meet her. And by doing that, you made her believe there's a chance you would take her back. She got what she wanted. You just didn't see it. The two of you have no children together, so there should be no more communication between you and her anymore. It should all be done through your attorneys."

She spun on her heel and walked away, leaving me standing there feeling like a heal. Brianna is right. Any communications that need to be discussed between Tessa and me should be done through our attorneys, and Tessa just proved why it should happen in that way.

I walked over to the breakfast bar, sat, lowered my face in my hands, and closed my eyes. By the way Tessa was acting and had been acting had me feeling there is something definitely wrong with her. And it had me wondering if there has been something wrong with her the entire time I knew her. I was curious to know, so I called her mother.

Tessa's mother and I talked for quite a while. And after I explained the situation, I brought up wanting Tessa evaluated for mental issues. Then her mother surprised me. She offered to bring her in, apologized for her daughter's behavior, and said she was surprised I lasted this long with her.

This is for your own good, Tessa. By the sound of it, her mother wasn't surprised at all by Tessa's actions, which makes me wonder. Has Tessa been hiding something from me since we met? And has her family been hiding something from me this entire time? The anger inside me was growing, and I felt like I was about to lose it myself. Between what happened earlier with Tessa, the pictures she sent Brianna, and now the phone call with her mother? It now has me wanting this bitch to pay for trying to break Brianna and me up.

The pictures sent to Brianna was the last straw. And she's going to know I mean fucking business and that I'm done trying to be friendly with her. I picked up my phone and messaged Tessa:

Nick: It's on. I've had it with you. Setting me up and sending those pictures to Brianna was the last straw. Again, I tried being nice to you, but not anymore. You're going to find out how serious I'm fed up with your shit. And if you get pissed. So fucking what. You played all of your chess pieces, and you have no more moves, and now I say checkmate. Goodbye, bitch.


Two weeks ago, Tessa's mother brought her in to have her evaluated. And after evaluation, she was committed to an institution for further evaluation. Her family and Tessa failed to tell me that Tessa was diagnosed as bipolar when she was younger. And now, her family fears her new diagnosis, which is psychosis. Also known as psychotic disorder.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now