From his tone, I could tell that Amare was also scared of the unknown.
All of us did not know what awaited us out there even as we went to battle everyday.
We feigned confidence, when deep down we were slowly crumbling, but we had to do it for the ones we loved.

Every time a group of us went out to confront our enemies, we were filled with great fear.
What if none of them never came back?
What if they were taken hostage and we're forced to bring the enemy into our camp?
And if they died, what were we going to tell their wives,their children and their parents?
What if all of us never made it and the whole village was attacked?
The fear was so thick you could cut into it, but none of us was willing to talk about it.
We were not allowed to be scared, we are warriors after all.

"Your ability to zone out is really great. I am right here, Kojo, but I am not even sure  you can see me. "

Amare was laughing and I realized that I had drifted off again.

"I am so sorry. "

"It is okay to worry, Kojo. We all do. But right now, I want to know what you intentions are with my sister. I know that she loves you, but do you? "

There it was!  The very question I was buying time to avoid.
I do not even know why I was not ready to talk to Amare about it, because I had never been so sure about anything like I was with the fact that I loved Dembe.

"I love her. With everything that makes me a man. "
I guess I was ready after all!

"Eeii! Calm down, brother. It is not that serious. "

Amare was laughing once more and making me so uneasy.

"Anyway, I am so happy to hear from you in person that you genuinely love Dembe.
She is my only sibling and I will not be smiling like this any day she comes home crying because you hurt her. Keep that in mind. "

"You can rest easy, Amare. I have very good intentions with D and I am never going to hurt her. "

"I see, she is no longer Dembe. Let me leave you before you start blubbing about the things you two do to each other. "

This man sure knew how to get me uncomfortable. I could not even keep a straight face around him with him going about saying such things.
I bet Dembe knew how lucky she was to have family and friends who really looked out for her. That is why she was so confident about life and that suited me just fine.

"Before you zone off again, I just want you  to know that I am expecting you to show up alive, tomorrow morning. For Dembe's sake. "

And with that, Amare was gone.
He really did care about his sister and I knew I would do the same if I was in his shoes.
Barely had he gone, when my thoughts went to Dembe once more.

The memory if when I first saw her swimming the stream kept replaying itself on my mind.
The dextrous movements of her arms, the glow of her skin under the sun, her rough kinky hair which was not wet even though she had been swimming for a while, her ample breasts, which looked so pillowy and welcoming and the way water flowed down so easily along her back.
I was indeed a lucky man.

A lucky man who was going to the battle field to fight for his community and might lose his life and leave behind the only girl he had ever loved.
What a life!

That night before I went to join  Mulutu and other warriors and slept, I looked at the skies and swore on the stars that I was going to make it back alive the next day for my mother and Dembe.
The two women my heart beats for.


Thank you for reading. =)

Isn't Kojo just adorable? 😊

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Daisy. 💋

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