Chapter 10

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Dembe's pov

I never knew dreams could come crashing down so quick. In one moment I was living in total bliss and in the next, I was in misery. How could something so beautiful be destroyed so fast? Caterpillars turned into beautiful butterflies, not the other way round.

The dance was only a few days away and I was nowhere near the mood for dancing. I wanted to go and feed my eyes, but at the same time,i did not want to lay my eyes on that cheat, Kojo. I should have known that I was just one among the many. He was just playing with my feelings. But why was I even upset, does the leopard really change its spots?

It all started a week before when Kia and I had gone to Kamali's house to make our hair. Just as we had pressumed, many girl were, there, for the gossip of course and some just to admire the hair of others.

I watched Kamali as she worked and I was impressed. I admired the way her fingers moved skillfully without her even looking and running her mouth at the same time. She divided tufts of hair and then proceeded to weave them into the most beautiful patterns I had ever seen.  She was definitely a master in the art.

Kia decided to make her hair first because it was softer and hence easier to handle.

"So, Kia, whose jaw are you planning to drop with this hair?  I am sure it is that boy who does not even look at you. "

Kamali blurtterd out.  I knew she had started of in the wrong way, but I just chose to keep quiet and bit my inner cheek to prevent myself from laughing.

"Maybe it is your jaw that is going to drop. Focus on your work. "

"But I only wanted to know.... "

"To know what? Kamali please, the gossip buds on my tongue are just not ready. Concentrate on my hair. "

I knew Kia was getting angry by that tone in her voice. I was the only one who knew whose jaw would drop. Poor boy. ;-)

When it was my turn, Kamali was already complaining even before she started to work on my hair.

"Ah! Dembe! This hair if yours  is a lot of work. "

"I thought you were here to work,but do not worry, you will be done even before you know it. "
I said laughing.

I knew she would go on complaining until she was done, but then she suddenly started talking about something else. Trust her to go for the juicy piece of meat.

"Now that you are here, I really wanted to ask you about Kojo. So, are you a couple now? "

Just the mention of his name was enough to make my heart flutter.
I Knew all the girls around had cocked their ears to hear what I had to say.

For all the past days, I had been spending a lot of time with him. The stream was now officially our spot. We would talk about many things and other times we would just sit quietly and watch the water flow.  Probably both of us believed that there is love and we would be fine.

One day while at the stream, Kojo, suddenly but gently pushed me into the water.

"What was that for? "
I shouted feeling the icy water supply into my clothes. How would I go home?

"For this. "
He said, coming into the water with all his clothes on and that smile that makes my skin heat up plastered on his face. I could not help but wonder what he had been up to.

My clothes were wet and clinging on to my body and I could feel Kojo 's eyes on me.  My heart definitely did hopscotch.

I could feel my blood racing as he took my hands into his and looked at me directly in the eye and said,

"Would you go with me to the dance, D? "

I did not know what to say at first because, I was still not used to the sensation when our skins touched. And those piercing eyes if his rendered my knees week. I was going to melt yet I was literally standing in water.

"Yes, I will. "

I said when I finally found my voice, before I could embarrass myself even further.

"It feels good to know I have that effect on you. "
Could it get any hotter?

"Hey!  Are you going to answer me or just continue smiling sheepishly? "

Kamali nudged me on the shoulder and that was when I realized that I had totally drifted.

"Yes, we are. "
I could feel my cheeks get hot as all the girls had their eyes on me.

"Not for long, Dembe,. Kojo is mine. "
Retorted a voice.

Just like every other person, my eyes followed the voice to find our who had the guts to talk to me like that. My eyes met those of a rather talk girl.  She looked feisty.

An uncomfortable silence had suddenly engulfed the place. I knew they were waiting for my reaction.

"What exactly do you mean? "

"I mean, stop dreaming and leave Kojo alone. "

"Why should I? "
That girl was surely tempting me 

"Because I am his first and only love. He cannot be with anyone else. "

I could feel the anger rise in me. I had some scores to settle with that Kojo.

"Kamali, please, finish up, I need to get going."
I did not want to get myself into a fight.

"Why don't you say something. He did not tell you that, huh? "

I wanted to get away from that girl before  I did something both of us would have regretted later on.

Kamali looked hesitant. She wanted a fight to break out so that she could update her gossip chronicles, but the look I shot her was enough to jolt her to her senses and within no time,she was done.

Most of the girls complemented me when my hair was done. Probably because they felt sorry for me but I did not care.
'Mrs. First and only love' kept shooting me angry looks and I knew the war was not yet over.

"D, who does that girl think she is? "
Kia asked me as we walked home.
We covered our heads with heads scarves because we did not want to spoil the surprise. ;-)

"I do not care who she is, Kia, but Kojo has some explaining to do or else both if them will have it. "

I was mad and an angry Dembe means what she says.


Who is she?

What do you think of 'Mrs First and only Love' ?

Talk to me.

Thanks again for reading and don't forget to vote. =)

Daisy. 💋

Under the moonlight Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz