Chapter 4

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At that time of the day when the sun is just about to set, I decided to leave for the stream. I liked this time of the day because there were few people along the roads and none at all at the stream. This allowed me sometime to think about my life. While going, I tried to convince myself that I was going because it was my routine but at the back of my mind, I knew it was because I wanted to hear what Kojo had to say.

A smile formed on my face as I remembered the conversation I had just had with Kia. As usual, she had urged me on and offered her help but not before teasing me.

"You allowed him see you naked!  And then walk you home! Pinch me D, I need to wake up from this dream. Both of you are crazy! "  shouted an excited Kia as she jumped up and down.

"Sit down and listen. If I wanted to inform the whole village I would have done so myself. "
She feigned an innocent look and sat on the mat. We were in my room admiring beads as I told her about Kojo.

"Seriously though, D, what does he really want from you?  I mean, he already saw you without clothes sooo..."

"Kia!  Do not even go there. He asked me to meet him today and I'm definitely going. "
The look on her face was priceless.

"What?  Can I go too?  Oops! I forgot, it is only you he just wants to see " she said laughing.

"Stupid girl. I'm only going there to give him a piece of my mind. That is all. "

"Fine, but just in case he needs more than a piece of your mind, shout out my name and I will be there. "
I knew she was not joking,she always had my back.
But I needed to face Kojo alone, this time.

But still, what was the big deal in being walked home by a boy? A good-looking one at that. These people were just overreacting. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I did not realize that I had reached the stream until I heard,

"You will fall over if you are not careful. "  So, he was already there.
My eyes followed the source of his voice and met a piercing pair of eyes that was Kojo's.
He stared and did not break the stare even when I looked away. He just took a bite off a big juicy mango that was in his hand. That poor mango!  Probably it had dreams of being used to make wine for the chief and now some care free village boy was hungrily biting into it. I laughed out loud at my own stupid joke. I needed to be serious while facing this Kojo boy.

Kojo's pov

My mouth twitched at the corner as I watched her. She was indeed a true beauty. Her skin reminded me of sweet,thick chocolate when it melted in my mouth. And then she suddenly laughed out. What a perfect set of milk-white teeth she had! And that gap in the upper set. Bewitching. Her eyes were piercing but I did not mind at all, she could look right up to the nakedness of my soul. It did not matter.

"Do not tell me I'm that funny. " I said, trying out my husky voice.

"You wish. That mango in your hand is funnier than you could ever be. " her voice was so heavenly. I could listen to her from sunrise to sunset and I'm not talking just a single day.

She then turned around to face the other way. I guess she did not like me all over her face, but I definitely liked what was in my face. ;-)
That backside of hers drove me crazy. And those beads holding on closely to her tiny waist did not help either. I could never get tired of such a magnificent sight. Maybe it would be better if I moved closer and get a better view. I thought and immediately made my move.

Dembe's pov

I decided to turn and face the other way, I mean, his stare was not that comfortable. Then I heard slow footsteps behind me. Was he coming towards me?  I got my question answered when I felt heavy breathing on my neck and of course,a strong smell of mango-breath hit me.  What was the boy up to now?

"I did not think you would come. Seems you do not hate me that much after all. "  he whispered into my ear, his lips grazing the edges of my ear.
Was he trying to kill me, because the whole zoo in my stomach suddenly came alive, leave alone the butterflies. My knees felt weak and something warm went down my spine. Was I catching a fever?  A strange fever it was.

"Come on, say something, beautiful one." he said and I could tell that he was smirking.

"Well, I'm here. What do you have to say for yourself? " I asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"You should know by now Dembe, or should I say D, that I have very deep feelings for you. I love you. "
If he kept on with the whispering I was definitely going to collapse.

"Just so you know, I also have feelings for you Kojo, hate. And if you are not careful enough, you might just earn a slap. "

"You know you do not mean that. I can feel it in your voice. Is it that hard to accept that you love me as much as I love you? "  he said snaking his arms around my waist.
I was surely going to hit the boy, but the lioness in me was suddenly weak and I just stood there. Probably it was the fever. Definitely, it had to be the fever.

We stood there for about a minute, me in Kojo's arms and in total silence  then I untangled myself from him. Majorly because Kojo junior down there was getting rather excited. Very uncomfortable. My mission there was to tell him what I really thought of him and not enjoy being held in his arms, though it felt good. (:

"Listen up, Kojo, the fact that I did not squeeze the life out of you years back does not mean I cannot do it right now. "

"Get on with it then. Your delicate fingers would definitely feel good on my skin. " he said, chuckling.   Stupid.

"I have to go. This was pointless. " I said walking away.

" No, it was not. I will be waiting for an answer, my beloved. "

My beloved?  Something was terribly wrong with that boy.
I realized that I did not even get to give him a piece of my mind as I had planned earlier. Kia would definitely be disappointed in me.
All because of the fever. Stupid fever.

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