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For both Noob9000 and NdragonEyes this apparent fan favorite is going to get lucky.

Evangeline held her son, Evan, in her lap and Henry sat beside her as they watched Niles's pull a name from the hat. The poor person who'd be in that paper would get more than just a kiss, knowing this smooth criminal.

Niles looked at the name and smirked. Evan and Evangeline share a look and even Henry feels uncomfortable. Niles scans the crowd for his prey before his eye lands on you. Oh sh*t

"(Your name)~"

He purred out at you. You stood up with an already red face. You were hoping for Niles secretly, the perverted seductive gorgeous... okay you'll stop. The man just interested you and you always wondered if his lips were cold or chapped. The new fire emblem characters were fascinating to a shadow dragon character.

You walked up to him and saw Evangeline and Evan standing there waiting. Henry was sitting down and chatting to a character thst you think was from Fates named Peri. Evangeline grabbed your hand and Evan dragged Niles to the tent. They let you go and opened the flap. It looked like they were doing a trick and treat montage from vocaloid.

"In you go!"

They say at the same time. They probably are upping the creepy factor for some reason. Probably Henry's idea. Niles enters the tent first but when you get in there he's laying down seductively. Oh dear.

"Hey doll~"

You breathed out a breath of annoyance. 

"Niles, yeah? We're only supposed to kiss. Maybe even just a quick peck on the cheek. We oml this have seven minutes in this tiny thing."

You sat down after ducking severely low. But Niles's pouts and pulls you over him. So now you're hovering over him with your hands beside his head, dominating him. You blush and try to get off of this guy but he kisses you deeply.

You can't  pull away because he made you fall ontop of him and his hand was keeping your head in place. Then he frenchified the kiss. Oh dear god. 

THANK THE LORD FOR HENRY he opened the flap with his normal smile but saw your wide eyes pleadings for him to get off. Henry opened his tome and used Psychic again. He pried you away from Niles and placed you next to him.

"Okay Niles's, fun's over! Nyah ha!"

Henry had a sisnister Cheshire grin and Nike's exited the tent, blowing a kiss to you. You shuddered and hugged yourself. Never again. 

You walked back with Henry, shuddering. You looked over to Evangeline who was chewing out Niles and saying stuff about forcing people to do what you want without permission and stuffs like that. Evan was standing by the hat With a new girl.

"Okay, now pick out of the hat."

Seven Minutes in Heaven Fire Emblem x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora