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AN: Thank you for joining me on this book!!! I am super excited about this and glad you are here too! I hope you enjoy my story as much as I have enjoyed outlining and writing it myself!

Lets Go!!


"You're missing a lot of needed records...transcripts, vaccinations," The worker stated, "I'm sorry but we can't enroll you boys without them."

"Please, look again," Stefan compelled with a smile, "I'm sure everything you need is there."

"That's a hot back... both of them." I heard a feminie voice say from behind us.

"Let's go." Stefan stated, pulling my arm.

I turned to see the young girl with short black hair staring at us. I gave a sly smile and sent her a wink as I walked passed her. Stefan and I were making our way through the halls when she bumped into us. The look alike. The reason we were here. I knew it wasn't her, but I wanted to rip her heart right out of her chest. I had to calm myself with sarcasm.

"Isn't that the men's room?" I stated, leaning against the wall.

"Karson," Stefan rolled his eyes.

I put my hands up in defense, "I know, you're right. I don't want to be involved with this anyway!"

I made my way out the school, sending a genuine smile to the blonde as I walked passed her.


I got a text that night, telling me to meet him at the Grill, so here I was... and he was not here yet! So, I joined the girl who mentioned my hot back.

"You stare a lot, do you know that?" I smiled, wrapping my jacket over the chair.

"I'm sorry," She sighed, hiding her smile, "I'm Bonnie."

"Karson." I nodded with a smile, looking up to see Stefan with the girl, Elena. "That didn't take long!"

"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asked, she was being rather pushy.

"We were born here, yes." Stefan smiled.

"We moved away, and now we live with our uncle." I added.

"Parents?" Bonnie added.

"They uh... They passed away." I replied, sharing a look with Stefan.

"Any other siblings?"

"None that matter." I snapped, taking a sip of my drink.

"Well, since you guys are new here then you don't know about the party!" Caroline smiled.

"We'll be there," I patted Stefan on the shoulder, "Right Stef?"

"Will you be there?" Stefan turned to Elena.

"Gross." I scrunched my nose.


"The mystery boy has arrived!" Bonnie teased as she handed me a drink.

"Yes, and I have already lost Stefan to Elena!" I laughed, causing her to smile.

Her smile faded and she looked at me, "She could use a good thing."

I nodded in agreement, "Him too, he's done so much for me and other people... even when he needed the help. He could use some good news too."

I took another drink to turn and see Bonnie still looking at me. I gave a half smile and she quickly looked away from me. We parted ways and I wasn't alone long until Caroline was in front of me.

"Hey, have you been down to the falls yet? If not, I can show you." She smirked.

"I think you've had a lot to drink!" I laughed and took her arm when she almost stumbled over.

"Well of course I have!"

"Look, Caroline, this...us... it's never going to happen, okay?" I started, and then brushed a hair out of her face. "At least not yet."

The moment ended when she ran to join her friends as they pulled out a body from the woods. I felt Stefan's presence beside me and I examined the body when I finnaly saw it. The bite mark on her neck meant a vampire bit her.

"Stefan..." I sighed.

"I know, I see it."


We ran inside the house with our minds running everywhere. We stood in Stefan's room, in silence, trying to figure out how it could be. Finally, I noticed his balcony door was open and a crow flew in. I started to feel rage, not anger. The perk of being a vampire was heightened emotions, so I skipped the less emotions. Instantly, I felt him in the room and I knew who it was.

"Dammit..." I sighed, turning to see him.

"Hello, brothers." He smirked.

"Crow is a bit much, don't you think?" I scoffed.

"Damon, what the hell are you doing here? It's been 15 years." Stefan snapped.

"See, I could ask baby Karson here the same thing... You're CLEARLY here for Elena. Which, duh, she's a dead ringer for Katherine! Maybe I just missed my brothers!" Damon mocked, making his way to me, "When was the last time you fed properly, huh?"

"Leave him alone, Damon."

"Oh, come on! At least he feeds on blood bags! Baby bro is stronger than you are... How was the last squirrel you had?" Damon smiled, turning back to me and giving me a nudge. "Let's go feed, together!"

"I said stop!" Stefan vamped out, and tackled Damon through the window...leaving me alone.

"Welcome home." I rolled my eyes with sarcasm in my voice and went to bed.

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