Chapter 15

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Harry was blinded with sunlight when he awoke. He clapped a hand over his eyes and made to turn over before realizing that Melody was tucked into his side, her hand resting over the space between his ribs. He shifted gently, hoping not to wake her, but she stirred all the same.

"What are you doing?" Melody asked, barely peeling her eyes open enough to see him. Her voice was strained with sleep.

"The sun shine right in your face every mornin'?"

"Yeah." Melody closed her eyes again as Harry shifted onto his side, facing her. Her hand fell to the mattress between them. She could feel his fingers on her skin beneath the covers, creeping slowly down her side, toward her hip.

"Yeh're nice an' warm," he whispered, inching forward until he could fit his face into her neck. She smelled like sweat and sex, but beneath it he could still find a trace of her perfume. It made his pulse quicken. He wished he could bottle this scent.

Melody hummed pleasantly as Harry pressed his lips just above her collarbone. She let him wrap his arm around her waist and pull her closer to him. Her hand rose to his shoulder.

"I have classes today," Melody muttered, twisting a strand of Harry's hair around her finger. "I get out at two, though. Do you have plans?"

Harry sighed into her neck and grazed his fingers up and down her spine. "Probably jus' gonna end up a'the gym again."

"Mmm, is that an invite?" she asked, letting Harry roll back over and pull her on top of him. "You're gonna let me watch you punch a bag again?"

"'F yeh're into tha' kind o' thing, sure."

Melody laughed breathily, settling her cheek on his shoulder. His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, his fingers skimming her sides. She wondered if this felt as comfortable and natural to him.

"Wha' time d'yeh have class?" Harry asked. He was surprised by it, but he really did feel comfortable with Melody's body stretched over his, her hair tickling the skin behind his ear, her breasts pressed against him, her chest expanding and contracting with each steady breath. He even closed his eyes when she pressed a kiss over his heart.

"Ten-thirty," she whispered in reply.

Harry glanced at her alarm clock, blaring blue digital numbers, and found himself sighing.

"Should probably get up, then."

Melody groaned before pushing herself out of Harry's hold. She rolled to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground, yawning into her hands. Harry licked his dry lips as she stood, almost completely naked.

"I'm gonna shower," she said, looking at him just briefly, with his hands now tucked behind his head and the sheets tucked just above his hips. He looked warm and inviting, with his heavy eyes. She was tempted to crawl right back into bed. "You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen, if you want."

Harry nodded as Melody turned to head for the bathroom. He watched her all the way across the living room until she closed the bathroom door, and then he stretched himself out. He peeled back the sheets and began to pull his clothes back on.

When Melody finished with her shower, she emerged from the bathroom in a towel to find Harry leaned over a kitchen counter. He had squeezed himself back into his skinny jeans and was spooning wheat cereal into his mouth.

"Found everything okay, then," she observed.

Harry lifted his eyes to meet hers and nodded, swallowing down a mouthful. Steam wafted out of the room behind her and water droplets spilled from her hair around her collarbones. "Yeah, I did."

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