Chapter 4

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Movie Nights

"So this is one of your favorites?" I ask.

"Yah! The Breakfast Club is great.It's a classic, eveyone should see it." He answers, as he grabs two bottles of water from the fridge. "I have this movie, and uh thats it.." He laughs awkwardly. "My family doesn't like it so it's the only movie they let me take with me."

"Well I hope it's good then."

"It is. You'll like it." He says, smirking at me.

"We'll see."

As the credits roll, I have to admit to Toby that I am in love with this movie.

"Okay, yes, it's amazing."


"Yes, I love it!!" I say, laughing and grinning.

"Good. So..succesful movie night?"

"Yep!!" Very succesful. Are we gonna have.."

Toby takes the disk out of the DVD player.

"more movie nights?"

"Do you want to have more movies nights?" He asks, looking over his shoulder.

"Yes, sure!" He laughs lightly.

"I only have the one movie.."

"That's all we need."

"Unless, you have movies?"

"Oh no not really, we have documenatries, on uh doctor stuff. I guess since I've been living with my aunt and uncle I never got around to asking for movies."

"That's, fine. Right? Like you said, you love it."

"I do."


"So, how was high school for you?"

There it is. Gonna have to bring up my very ordinary high school experience and James...

"Uh. It was nothing special. Just your typical high school experience."

"Did you date much?"

"A little in the beginnning but not lately, no."

Okay, so maybe I didn't bring up James; but why would I?? Am I lying? Yes. But do I care at the moment...

"How about you?"

"It was good! I think I'm going to miss it."

"Really? What are you going to miss?"

"Um, my friends!!"

"Oh. Right." I laugh lightly. I kind of forget that other people actually love high school and have tons of friends.

"So should we go?"

"Yah, it's almost two."

Logan is taking me to see this movie called Godzilla, it' about a giant dinosaur...?

I don't know. We've been dating for three weeks now and it's been great! We mostly hang out at the beach, see movies, jog sometimes, and makeout. We don't really just hang out at my house, we've only been to my house like four times, we're mostly at his. He lives alone since he moved out for college so that why we can makeout so easily. But we haven't done anything more than that.


"'s it going with beach guy?"

Toby asks as he puts in the breakfast club.

"Logan. And good!"

"Good?" He shakes his head.

"What's wrong with good??"

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