Chapter 3

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Asprin. Is my first thought this morning. Asprin. I need asprin. I glance at my clock. "12:05 pm" It reads. I groan as I struggle to sit up.

The sunlight is burning my eyes and my back aches. I finally make it halfway down the stairs but not without tripping down the last few steps.

I swallow two aspirins and then chug a mug of coffee. I pour another mug and a head up back upstairs to take a shower.

I don't have the energy to bother with my hair, I let it dry to it's natural beach wave. I put on gray sweats, a pink v-neck, and blast the AC.

When I finally remember to check my phone I have five missed calls from James. That's it. I dial his number.

"Alex-", "Shut up and listen. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't come to my house. You cheated. More than once might I add. And I don't date cheaters. It's over. Now leave me alone." I hang up and wipe the tear rolling down my cheek. I really hope after that he leaves me alone. I can't get over him he keeps trying to talk to me.

I need to get him off my mind this summer and just move on with my life. I invested so much time with him and just doesn't work out. I had real expectations for us. Which maybe I shouldn't have since we are still young, but age doesn't always affect things. Assholes affect things. I hope he doesn't cheat on any other girls.

As I roll out my yoga mat, I take a deep breath letting the stress out.

I stretch my muscles and continue breathing deep breathes.

I had upstairs when I'm done I decide to go to the beach. I change into my dark blue bikini with white polka dots. I grab my phones, sunglasses, and a towel.

When I get to the beach I spread my towel away from the crowds of people. I rub some sun screen on and lay on my back to tan.

"Hey!" Someone shouts near me. My eyes struggles to open. I see a bright smile above me. I sit up and look up to see a tall blonde boy standing over me. "My uh.." I look down and see a soccer ball next to me.

"Oh! Is this..yours?", "Yah." He smiles again and doesn't move. I pick it up and hold it out to him. "Thanks." He still doesn't go anywhere. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Can I help you with something else?"

"Yah actaully, you could go out with me sometime."

" I just broke up with.."

"Let me guess, you broke up with some ass and now it's gonna ruin a new chance for a great guy to show you we aren't all the same."

"Um. Okay then, I guess I can't argue with that." I laugh lightly.

"Great! Can I have your number?"

"Can I have your name first..?"

" Oh right sorry, I'm Logan." He pulls out his phone and his bright blue eyes look down at me.

"252-736-8801, and Alex."

"Thanks cutie, I'll call you." He starts walking away.



"How come I just broke up with my boyfriend for cheating on me like hmm today, but I just gave you my number..?"

"Alex, life is too short to let other people control your life or happiness." He says flatly.

He flashes his bright smile one more time, I respond with a small one of my own, and then he jogs out of sight.

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