Chapter 2

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Beach Party.

"You're still coming tonight right?" Courtney's cheerful voice chimes through my cell. "Yes, I'm still coming.", "Ok good! Bring that cute neighbor of yours!!", I sigh at her. "See you later court.", "Bye!".

I rummage through my dresser, trying to find something to wear tonight. I pull out a short yellow, casual dress and lay it out with some silver sandles and a silver ring with a small bow on it. I pull on some khaki shorts a light pink v-neck. I quickly straighten my hair, to make it neater. Then I braid it, the end of it lays aganist top of my ribs. I put on foundation, mascara, a little eyeliner and blush.

*DING* The oven goes off. I slide out the cookie sheet and put it on top of the stove. When they've cooled I place them in the basket Aunt Lea set out for me. She set out a note for me explaining what she wanted me to do.

"Good morning sweetie! I left a basket out for you, I'd like you to bake some cookies and give them to Toby today for a welcome to the neighborhood present. p.s I hope you go to that party tonight and try to have fun! If you do at least try to be home around 1am xoxo"

*knock knock* I tap my fist aganist Toby's back door. "Who is it?" I hear him call out. "Alex!", "It's open!".

I walk in and I see Toby sitting on the couch, he walks over to me. "I brought a welcome to the nieghborhood gift from my aunt, uncle, and me.", "Oh great, thanks!", "Sure.".

He takes the basket from me and puts it on a counter in the kitchen. "So how are you liking Southport?", "It's great, " He walks back towards the living room and motions his hand for me to follow him. He sits back where he was on the couch and I sit on the other end of it. "it's small like my town in Alaska but the weather is amazing. Before now I'd only been to a beach once and after that I decided I wanted to leave Alaska after high school and move somewhere like this for college.", "Yah, it is nice here. What college are you planning on going to?", "North-Carolina Wilmington College, you?", "I'm gonna go to UNC Penbroke College.", "Oh ok, cool. How far away is that?", "An hour or so, I'm gonna be living on campus but I'm planning on coming back on the weekends." I say, smiling slightly. "Nice." He says smiling shyly back.

"Have you lived here your whole life with your aunt and unlce?", "Uh," I look down at my hands. "no. My parents died in a car crash when I was thirteen, my aunt and uncle are my godparents, so I moved here a few months after the accident.", "Oh. I'm so sorry.", "Thanks.".

The doorbell interrupts the awkwardness. Toby gets up quickly and grabs some money from the kitchen then jogs to the front door. He comes back moments later with a pizza. "Pizza?", "Yah, thanks!". He puts the box between us and we both grab a peice. "So what are you up to today?", "This." He laughs a little. "You?".

"Um well this, and I'm going to my friend's beach party later tonight.", "That sounds fun.", "Yah...hey um you wanna go? You could meet some people since you're new?", "Yah sure! What time?", "Like 7ish?", "Ok cool I can drive us.", "Cool.", "Not to..pry, but are you ok? know what happened yesterday.", "Oh uh yah, that was just my ex. He cheated..twice apperantly.", "Oh what an asshole! I can't stand guys who cheat..", "Yah same..thanks.".

I pull my dress on over my head, and smooth it out. I re-apply foundation and mascara. I braid back a peice of hair on each side then I curl my hair. I use pins with white flowers on them to pin the small braids back. I slide on the silver ring, and put in small diamond studs that used to be my mom's. So I dont have to bring a purse I get my long thin silver chain that has my house key on it. I pull it on over my head and tuck the key under the front of my dress, I do this a lot. When 7pm rolls around I sit on my front door step and wait for Toby.

A few minutes later Toby pulls up. He has a vintage, rustic looking, blue truck. I jump into the passenger side.""Do you know the way to the beach?", "Yah, I went exploring a little yesterday. That way right." He points down the road. "Yup! It's pretty close.".

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