Chapter 4

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(A/N: this one isn't my all time favourite chapter because I rushed through this while writing it so I'm sorry if it sucks)

Thursday, Social Studies, 9:50 am
Geoff entered the class and to his surprise, he didn't see Awsten. He was doing so well he thought. Mr. William had to stay home and take care of his daughter, so there was a substitute. Her name was Miss Dawson. She was fairly young, and a rumour goes around that she hits on the students, and she had her eye on Awsten.
The boy showed up around 10:10 with food, but this time only for two people. He sat next to Geoff and gave him food. "Aws, you didn't have to get me food," Geoff told him. "I just wanted to give you this as an apology for everything that happened yesterday." Geoff kissed Awsten's cheek.
"Mr. Knight, why are you late?" The substitute asked him. "I got food for me and my friend" he explained. "Detention" she said blatant. "I'm sorry?" "Detention. Next period's Mr. William's free period, so you can stay here with me." Awsten rolled his eyes while eating. "What are we doing?" He asked the boy in front of him while covering his mouth. "Old work" the brunette responded. "Okay." Awsten got out some food and ate it while he worked.
"Eat" he demanded. "Why?" "If you don't, I'm not going to your house anymore" Awsten joked. Geoff rolled his eyes and ate some food. "Mr. Wigington, are you eating in my classroom?" Miss Dawson asked. "No, I'm eating in Mr. William's classroom" he sassed back. As Geoff finished eating the fries, the bell rang. "I'll see you 5th period?" Geoff asked. "Yeah, save me a seat in math." Geoff kissed Awsten on his cheek then left for art.

Free Period Social Studies,10:23 am
Awsten didn't want to get suspended, so he stayed for "detention." He of course was the only one in the room with Miss Dawson. Awsten was glad he left some food, so while he sat in silence, he ate the food. Sounds of heels echoed through the empty room. Miss Dawson sat next to him. "Awsten, you know that you're very hot right?" She told him, her hand trailing up and down his chest. He swallowed his food then spoke.
"Listen here, I'm a fucking minor. I'm not going to have sex with you. You're old and really disgusting." He got up and walked right out of the room, and walked out of the school.

Study Hall, 2:50 pm
Geoff was disappointed that Awsten wasn't there in any periods after what happened in Social. He wanted to see Awsten, but that didn't happen. He tired texting Awsten, but he has yet to get a response, so he gave up. He left his phone on vibrate in his pocket, and he felt it vibrate. He took it out and checked the notification. There was a text from Awsten. Geoff, I left earlier and I'll tell you later. After you leave study hall, meet me at the front doors, okay? I'll be near the tree. See you soon ♡.

3:00 pm
Geoff moved past the many people leaving theschool and managed to spot the blue haired boy and he hugged him. "Awsten, I missed you" he said. "I missed you too" he responded. "Now, let's go okay?"

Awsten's House, 3:15 pm
"So why did you leave earlier?" Geoff asked his friend while taking off his shoes. "So, as you know Miss Dawson gave me 'detention', but in there she tried to get in my pants so I left school early." "Oh my god Awsten you need to tell someone!" Geoff exclaimed. "I did. I told Mr. Way. He said she's going to get fired and something else, I don't remember." Geoff hugged Awsten. "I'm sorry this happened, Aws" Geoff whispered in the boys chest. Awsten kissed his head, "it's alright Geoff. At least I didn't fuck her."

Awsten's Room, 7:20 pm

Since Geoff's parents, Lisa and Jack, enjoy Awsten and trust him, they allowed their son to spend the night at Awsten's, and also it was because Friday. The blue haired boy had went with to Geoff to get his clothes around 6, and then they went back. Awsten's parents always work so they had the house to themselves, and sometimes it was a good thing, like today. "You hungry Geoff?" the blue haired boy asked the brunette sitting on his couch. "Yeah, thinking about it, I guess I am" he replied. "Pizza?" Awsten already knew the answer but he wanted to know, just in case he wanted something else. "Duh." He ordered the pizza and then took a seat next to him. Geoff, once he saw Awsten hang up the phone, moved his seat to the boys lap. The boy wrapped his arms around the males waist and kissed his neck. "Hey Geoff?" He asked, breaking the silence. "Hm?" "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Geoff only nodded and kissed his new boyfriend. The passionate kiss turned into a makeout session. Awsten took off the brunettes shirt and left small, unnoticeable hickeys on the boys chest. The doorbell rang, making Awsten groan quite loudly and making Geoff laugh. He got off of his boyfriends lap and put on his shirt and waited for Awsten to get the pizza. When he came back, they had digged into the amazing food. Friends played in the background.

9:40 pm

"So when do your parents come home?" Geoff asked, "Soon I guess, its different every night, but they leave around 8:30" he replied while changing out of his clothes and into a loose shirt and boxers. He sat on the bed next Geoff, who was playing Zelda. "So, whenever you're home you're alone and you barely see your parents?" he asked whilst not looking up from the screen. "Yeah, basically."

9:50 pm

Geoff eventually got tired of playing the game and turned it off, then laid down next to his boyfriend. Awsten put a blanket around him and Geoff, who had put his head on Awsten's chest, and the boy turned off the lamp which was the only light source in the room that was turned on at the moment. "Goodnight babe" Awsten whispered before he fell asleep.

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm very sorry that this took forever. I had explained why this took forever in my note before this chapter, but other than those reasons I wasn't emotionally okay and needed a break. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I promise that I'll be posting more frequently now!)

Fuck You And Your Friends // GawstenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang