Chapter 3

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(A/N: I'm sorry if I make it seem like Jawn and Travis are assholes, I do love them a lot but they were the only people that I could think of that would be perfect for what I planned)

Wednesday, Geoff's Room, 7:03 am
  After they had dinner, they went back upstairs to Geoff's room, played video games for a bit, and then they went to bed, and Awsten cuddled Geoff. When they awoke, they got dressed, and Awsten drove them to school. When they arrived, everyone was staring at them and whispering about what they assumed was them.
  "What are they talking about?" Geoff asked. "Not sure, let me ask Travis" he responded before jogging to Travis. Jawn and Otto came up to Geoff and turned him around. "What the fuck Geoff?!" Jawn yelled. "What?" "You had sex with Awsten!" "How do you know?" Otto pulled up a screenshot on his phone, then spoke. "Awsten tweeted out yesterday saying 'just had the best sex ever with Geoff. Glad I took his virginity.'" By now, Geoff had tears in his eyes. "H-how could he?" "I fucking warned you. You don't ever listen!" Jawn spat out, then leaving with Otto behind him.
  Geoff stormed over to Awsten and pushed him around so he was facing him. "Geoff what's wrong?" "I trusted you Awsten! I ignored what Jawn told me about you because I thought you could change!" "Geoff, what are you talking about?" Awsten asked the furious boy. He was really confused on why Geoff was pissed off. "Don't act dumb! You tweeted out that we had sex!" The boys eyes went wide.
  "Geoff-" maybe that's what you were doing on your phone before dinner. I can't believe you." Geoff turned around and stormed away. Awsten turned to the boy standing behind him. "What the hell did you do?" He basically yelled. "All i did was tweet out what you said. Everyone was going to find out in the end" Travis responded. "All i told you was Geoff and I had sex and he was a virgin, and how I felt something! I didn't fucking ask you to tweet that!" "Oh well." Awsten punched his friend in the jaw as hard as he could. "I. Fucking. Hate. You."

      Gym Class, 8:10 am
  Geoff, someone who was always prepared wasn't prepared for class today which had surprised the gym teacher Mr. Armstrong. The student had a hoodie in his locker, so he put it on and sat on the bleachers. He put his hood up and hid himself. He felt a presence next to him so he took off his hood and looked. "Geoff, are you okay? Normally you take gym." He shrugged, "not up to it, I guess." "You wanna talk about anything?" He only shrugged, not speaking again. "I heard what happened between you and Awsten." Geoff looked down, his fingernails digging into his palms, in attempt to not yell. "I don't want to talk about it" he muttered though his teeth. "If you ever need to, you know where my office is," and with that, Mr. Armstrong got up and went back to teach the class the right way to play volleyball.

      Library, 11:19 am
  After gym, Geoff managed to escape to the library, despite Awsten calling his name. The librarian, Ms. Ross,  allowed Geoff to stay up the whole day and didn't complain. Ms. Ross was an old lady. Normally she's alone, unless Geoff's up there. The two get along very well. Maybe it's their love for books, no one knows.
  Geoff had his head down on a table far away from the entrance door and he was on his phone. Everyone was going crazy about what happened. Right now, he s missing lunch. He hasn't seen Jawn or Otto all day. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a chair next to him squeak. He saw out of the corner of his eye a salmon coloured hoodie.
  "Go away Awsten" he mumbled. "Geoff, we need to talk-" "no we don't. You're just a douchebag. Jawn warned me about you, and I didn't listen. I had the biggest crush on you because you seemed so nice. You were someone that didn't feel real, and I thought that you were actually kind. I was so stupid. I thought you cared about me but you don't," Geoff said.
  "But, Geoff-" "what? You're going to say you care about me?" Awsten looked down. "Just to away. Leave me alone" the boy demanded, but Awsten didn't comply. "Didn't you hear me?" "I didn't post it" Awsten whispered. "What?" "I didn't post the tweet. It was Travis. I told him about us having sex and how you were a virgin, yes but I didn't tell him to post it. I told him I felt something when we kissed for the first time and when we had sex, something I never felt before with anyone," Awsten said, few tears falling.
  Geoff felt like shit now. He didn't know and he wish he did before he said what he did. "God, Aws, I'm so sorry " he got up and hugged the crying boy. "I'm so sorry." He sat on his lap and kept hugging him. "Its alright Geoff. I understand you thought I did this. I know my reputation isn't the best." Geoff kissed Awsten lightly, and they stayed in the library the rest of the day.

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm not getting many views on this story but that's okay, I think I have about 15 or so? But just people reading it means a lot. If you couldn't tell by me updating, I update everyday. Tomorrow, I have school and I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to post but I think I'll just type it today and post it, or try tomorrow when I'm free. Also, if you want please follow me on instagram and Twitter. My instagram is lil.bean.geoff, and my Twitter is geoffsnosering. Have a great day ♡)

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