I left the cottage and went into the town. I walked around and went to the salon shop to get a band because my hair grew back to its normal size. I have more hair than my sister. I bought it and I left to the Cake Shop to get some blueberry cake. Then I went to the Fresh and Young Hood store. A lot of men go there with there girlfriends and the girls have to wait just like the guys have to wait while we're trying on stuff. I went there to go get some boxers. Now I know what your thinking why would I need some boxers, well I need some because I like wearing them as shorts. Trust me I wear them in public and a lot of men look and blush and Simon always buy a jacket to cover up. They look like shorts and a lot of people come up to me and say 'Nice shorts I like them'.

As I was looking somebody tapped me on the shoulder and as I turned around it was a guy that kinda looked similar to Simon:

As I was looking somebody tapped me on the shoulder and as I turned around it was a guy that kinda looked similar to Simon:

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The only thing is that I think he was tanned. He was shirtless just like Simon and he had on black long pants. He then had spoke to me.

"I have to ask you a question ma'ma",he asked.

"Yes",I said as I turned his way for an answer.

"I just have to ask you why would you buy men boxers",he asked.

"I wear them as shorts", I said.

"Really",he asked not believing what I said.

"Yes I wear them out in public on hot days when re-style them up; I like to buy the tight pair that look like spanx's",I said.

"Oh now I understand that's pretty smart",he said.

"Thank you",I said.

"But you look so familiar like my son described his girlfriend",he said.

"What is that description",I asked.

"Umm he said smart, pretty, creative, talented, nice, helpful, and has red hair",he said.

"Oh well there are a lot of red heads around here, but  you look so similar to my boyfriend", I said to the old man.

"Oh well he's here with me if you wanna see him, but people say we look a lot alike",he said.

"What's your name by the way", I asked.

"It is Haru and yours",Haru asked me.

"Lucy", I said.

"That's a pretty cute name",he said. "Wait here let me go get my son",he said as he left. I continued looking for the right pair of boxers and then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"This is my son Simon",he said as I looked to see Simon who had shocked eyes.

"Hey Si I met your dad he is a really nice guy",I said as Haru smiled.

"How do you two know each other",he asked.

"Dad she's my girlfriend",said Simon as I smiled.

"Oh so your the girl that Simon has been talking about",said Haru as Simon blushed.

Erza's Blood Sister (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now