The Taken Sign

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Nobody POV

It was a special day for the Fairy Tail Skater Boys Team because today was the Blazes Ace Race. It was supposed to be Boys Skater Team like the other teams call it, but Fairy Tail is not like the rest so they switched it around.

The boys were going against the Tartarus Boys Skating Team. The best on Fairy Tail Skater Boys Team was Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Jellal, and Gajeel. The captain was Laxus.

Readers let me explain what the Blazes Ace Race is. The Blazes Ace Race is when guilds/schools at Fiore Academy participate to keep there guild/school spirit up. It's is also a really dangerous and extreme skating race that boys  participate in. No girls have ever participated not even one, because one they could get injured, two they let the boys handle it, and three the girls didn't want to do it because of what might happen.

Fairy Tail was on a roll and Natsu was almost at the finish line along with Mard(underground king) from the other team. Jackal then came and Natsu was in between the two. The Tartarus Team had all the cameras covered so nobody want see what they were about to do. They took out all the other team members so the last one was Natsu then Mard and Jackal had spikes on their skates then they smashed Natsu skates and his skates broke and Natsu was down. Tartarus won and the boys were injured.
Fairy Tail then had to give up there symbol and the symbol represented Fairy Tail, but without it Fairy Tail guild/school  is cursed with bad luck.

The girls were bandaging up the guys.

The girls were bandaging up the guys

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Erza was scaring some of the boys. Juvia bandage up Gray, Levy bandaged up Gajeel and Jet, Mirajane and Lissana bandaged up Elfman, Erza and Mirajane  had to bandage up Laxus. Lucy was bandaging up Jellal because Jellal asked her to.

"So may I just ask how did you hurt",asked Lucy as Jellal blushed when she bandaged his bottom back.

"Well you know that Jackal dude",asked Jellal.

"Yeah",answered Lucy.

"Well somehow he came close to me with a small sharp weapon that came out his suit where his arm is. He then cut my tattoo and I started shooting magic and I accidentally shot it at him and a explosion went on", explained Jellal.

"I can heal it", said Lucy as Jellal nodded then turned around. Lucy put her hand over his tattoo then it was healed. Jellal had then smiled and thanked her and then hugged her.

"Okay tiger don't go that far", said Lucy as she blushed.

"So do you think I'm strong", asked Jellal making Lucy blush.

"Well if a tiger is strong then yes", said Lucy making Jellal blush. The girls then left and went to the principal.

"Thank you girls for coming", said Macorva.

"So what did you need us for Master", asked Mirajane.

"Well you see Mira, Erza, and Lucy you three are the most popular girls at this school and Academy. Well you three have to tell your clubs to cancel everything about the Skater Boys Team because the season is canceled", said Macorva as the girls gasps.

"Master the other guild has our symbol and without it our school will have bad luck every day until we can get it back", said Lucy as the girls nodded.

"Well we can't get it back because the boys are going to be injured and we can't make it to the championship", said Macorva.

"Well what if we help recruit", said Erza.

"You can try", said Macorva as the girls nodded then left for lunch.

The girls sitting at the table was Levy, Mirajane Lisanna, Cana, Juvia, Erza, and Lucy.

"So how are we going to get the boys here to try out because nobody doesn't read the filers",said Levy.

"Your right, but everybody is always on their phones", said Lisanna.

"That's it, all we need to do is to get somebody that has a lot of  followers on Fiore Academy Media",said Juvia.

"But who, I like only have the school that follows me",said Erza.

"I only have half of the Academy that follows me",said Mirajane.

"I have part of the school that follows me", said Levy as Lisanna, Cana, and Juvia nodded. They all looked at Lucy who kept looking down.

"Lucy you have to do it like the whole Academy follows you", said Lisanna.

" Yeah even Zeref follows you and he doesn't follow nobody", said Mirajane.

"Yeah and the Magic Council Do as well and that's very unexpected", said Erza.

"Okay you guys are right about who follows me, but the only one who doesn't follow me is Zeref. But I will send it out to Fairy Tail",said Lucy as everybody smiled.

Lucy sent out the message to everybody in Fairy Tail and a lot of boys came to either tryout or flirt with the girls.

A lot of them were good without wheels, but with they were horrible. Levy and Juvia tried to give info but the boys wouldn't listen until Levy and Juvia showed them how it was done then the boys left.

"How about you two join the team", said Mirajane.

"Is there a rule for girls joining", asked Juvia.

"No not at all", said Erza. "How about we join",asked Lisanna and Mirajane as Erza nodded.

"I'll join to", said Erza. "Count me in",said Cana as everybody cheered then put hands in.  Everybody looked at Lucy.

"I guess I'll join since I have a clear schedule", said Lucy putting her hand in.

They went to ask Laxus who said no at first, but then the girls disagreed and he handed it over but wasn't going to coach. Panther Coach Lily wasn't going to do it. The girls changed the name to the Fairy Tail Skater Girls Team.

When the girls trained hard and when it was there first race it was against Quattro Cerbuses. They were disqualified because the girls accidentally called and the girls up there were Levy, Erza, Juvia, Lisanna and Cana. Lucy was walking by the gym and she saw Ms.Luna skating and she was good. Lucy asked her to be there coach and she agreed.

Next thing you know Laxus agreed to coach as well along with Lily then when it was there time to go against them again they won with the same people.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and this will continue

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and this will continue

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