Chapter 12

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Peter has never felt this panicky in his life.

"Uh, hi, uh, Steve. Happy new year! What're you... I thought Bucky said you're, uh, you're helping out in Harlem?"

Steve doesn't shake his head. Or smile. He's damn intimidating when he's scowling, especially with his hand resting on his belt next to the taser and club.

"Since I'm not actively on duty, I thought I'd expand my jurisdiction a bit."

Peter nods for lack of anything other to do.

"Dropped by the Hybrid Puppy earlier," Steve continues. His tone doesn't bode well at all. "Your aunt said you went to MJ afterwards. But MJ tweeted something about starting the new year in solitude like she prefers... and that made me wonder."

"You're checking Twitter while you're driving?" Peter blurts. "You know, that's dangerous. You could..."

Steve is unimpressed. Peter winces. Maybe a half-truth...?

"I was just, uh... You see, I repaired Mr. Stark's coffee machine in the workshop a couple of weeks ago and I left some coffee, too, but he's run out and he said he couldn't face the new year without caffeine, so I thought I'd, uh – and since I was awake anyway, I just..." He waves at the Tower rising behind him, then at the still-waiting car. "Then Mr. Stark offered to take me ho– uh, have me taken home, I mean."

Silence stretches for a few seconds.

"You're saying Stark left his own party early to accept a coffee delivery?"

No, he disappeared to exchange presents and kisses, is what Peter resolutely doesn't say. Outwardly, he shrugs as nonchalantly as possible.

"You've had Peter's coffee, Officer Rogers, right? Of course I left my own party."

Peter jerks around.

No, he didn't hallucinate – Tony is actually standing there on the street with them, dressed in slacks and a blue cashmere sweater Peter saw among a pile of gifts in the penthouse. It hugs his body in all the right places.

Steve doesn't miss a beat. If anything, he looks even more suspicious than before. Seriously, Peter doesn't need help, he totally –

"And it took three hours to restock?" Steve asks.

Oh. On second thought...

Tony shrugs and removes one hand from his pockets as he walks towards them. "Thick layers of security at the Tower. Took Peter some time to get inside, and then I couldn't get rid of Jimmy – oh, you should know, right? Jimmy O'Neil Jr., Police Commissioner, ring a bell?"

Steve neither reacts nor steps back when Tony comes to a halt in front of him.

Peter tries to signal Tony to stop, cause there's nothing that'll rile up Steve Rogers easier than perceived injustice. And Tony implying he can name-drop his way out of this situation is... yeah, not awesome.

"Well, Jimmy's been wanting to talk to me all night and I didn't wanna postpone; never would have found the time... And Peter knows his way around the workshop, don't you, kid?"

Peter nods, opening his mouth but Tony talks over him. Probably for the best since he's kind of a bad liar.

"And I couldn't let him leave before trying the hors d'oeuvres from the party." Tony spreads his hands at that, like 'voilà'.

Peter holds his breath as he waits for Steve's reaction.

Which is no reaction at all.

Steve merely regards Tony with a cold smile that makes Peter's heart jump into his throat. Tony stares right back unflinchingly while Peter fidgets.

Raising Hybrid Puppies [a Starker coffee shop AU]Where stories live. Discover now