Chapter 30

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"I hereby grant the motion to dismiss the Order of Protection issued on behalf of Peter Parker in the case of New York vs. Stark. Court dismissed."

The court room releases a collective breath, Bruce included. He's already smiling, as are Pepper and Colonel Rhodes behind him.

Tony's fingers have finally relaxed against his thighs and the relief radiating from him is palpable.

On the other side of the room, MJ is typing at lightning speed. Peter's other friend is cheering as Mrs. Parker gets to her feet too and pulls her nephew into a hug. The only word he can think of to describe Peter's expression is 'overwhelmed'.

Behind Bruce, Ainsley begins conferring with Pepper while Mr. Kassell and ADA Torres approach the bench, presumably to deal with the paper work. Tony finally breaks out of his stupor, turning towards him and Colonel Rhodes in the row behind them with a brilliant smile.

"The kid did it – he actually did it."

"Go on," Bruce says, nudging his friend, and Tony is on his feet immediately.

Bruce watches Peter untangle himself from his aunt. He trips as he steps out into the aisle, as if he needed to be any more obvious about how nervous he is. Not that he's the only one: Tony's still fiddling with the buttons of his jacket when Bruce joins the crowd in the aisle.

Tony and Peter eventually meet in the middle, coming to a stop in front of each other. They're both positively vibrating with relief and nerves but are also painfully aware that they aren't alone.

"Uh, hi, um, hi Tony," Peter eventually manages.

"Hey, kid."

A moment passes where all they do is look at each other. Bruce has to bite his lip to keep himself from making any sound that would break the bubble surrounding them.

"I meant it," Tony says. "The date thing. I never got to take you out before but now, I can do that. If you want to, that is; doesn't have to be now, though. Guess we don't wanna make it too easy for the press," he adds with half a smirk. "So... What're doing tonight? Please say me."

A beat.

"Something with me. I really did not just make that joke, I got more class than that. Or did I? Course I did, who am I kidding. I'm owning it. That's my joke now."

Bruce can't believe what he's witnessing: Tony Stark, babbling.

Judging by Peter's loopy smile and the way the color is rising in his cheeks, he finds it more than endearing. "I'm, uh, I'm free tonight? For... something with you."

"Awesome," Tony says, and for some reason that has Peter grinning widely.

Tony checks his watch. "It's 3 PM... How does 6:30 sound?"

Peter nods. "Good. That's... um, good. Where do I...?"

"I've got something planned, at the –"

"You planned –"

"I know, I know, jinxing it and all that, but hey, worked out just fine as far as I can tell."

Peter ducks his head.

"Come to the Tower. And use the front door; we don't have to hide anymore."

Peter's enthusiastic nod is heart-warming. Mr. Kassell swoops in then to herd his client and his entourage outside – as well as score an interview with CNN or another major network, Bruce guesses – which leaves Tony alone with them.

His façade slips a bit, exposing the bundle of nerves he's hiding underneath his cheerful surface. Bruce is about to say something reassuring, yet Tony nips any such attempts in the bud by snapping his fingers at them.

Raising Hybrid Puppies [a Starker coffee shop AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें