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Namjoon pov
The fans cheers was all I heard when we walked off of stage, greeted by our manager.
"Hello boys, I have some news for you" our manager said.
"What is it hyung?" I heard Jimin say.
"You guys will be having a 7th member join the group, he's only 16 so please treat him like family"
He said. That's when he walked away.
"A new member!?!, we can't have a new member" I yelled. I hate the thought of a new member there's not even a lot of room in the dorm where will he sleep?
"I can't believe this!" J-hope said.
"Guys let just go back to the dorm and worry about this tomorrow"
We nodded in agreement.
We got into the van and manager said "oh and by the way guys the new members name is Jeon Jungkook and he's coming tomorrow".
Shit. Well I guess we have to come up with something now, I thought while getting out of the van with other members.
We walked into the dorm and sat in the main room.
" guys we should make his life with us a living hell and make him feel left out of everything " yoongi said.
"Good idea Yoongi" I said with a smirk.
We all agreed to stick with that idea and we all went to sleep.

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