When I could breathe almost normally, I glanced over at Robert to see if he had overheard anything, but he was immersed in the television.  Had I been looking closer, I would’ve seen the small smile that was on his lips, as he tried to hide it behind his mug, pretending to take a drink.

“As I was saying, I need to go shopping,” Rome said, making me look back over to him.  He handed me back my mug, and I sipped it cautiously, raising an eyebrow in question.  “I need to get some of my associates Christmas gifts.  Do you want to go to the mall a few towns over later on with me?”  I knew it was a perfect time to shop for Rome, although I’d have to find a way to escape him for a little while for privacy.

“Yep,” I replied, popping my ‘p’ in hopes of sounding nonchalant and casual.  Rome still had a hint of that smug look on his face, but I deliberately ignored it.  I had more important things to fret over, such as getting Rome a gift for his birthday.  In less than twenty four hours.  “Let’s go,” I said suddenly, abruptly standing from the couch.  Something hot stung me in the stomach, and I glanced down, seeing a large brown stain on the green t-shirt I’d thrown on this morning.  “Shit…,” I cursed under my breath, glancing around the room for something to wipe it off quickly.

“Here…,” Rome said, sounding amused, yet in a tone that insinuated he thought I was a child.  He stood, grabbing my mug, still holding onto his, and began walking towards the kitchen.  Feeling like a homeless puppy, I rolled my eyes and followed him reluctantly.  I watched, leaning against the opposite wall, as he sat both mugs in the sink, and leaned over to take a couple of paper towels off the roll.  He wet them down, and approached me.

“I can do that,” I insisted as Rome grabbed my shirt in his hands.  One hand went under it to keep it off my skin, and the other worked the paper towel over the stain.  Heat spread across the surface of my cheeks.

“Sure you can,” Rome said, not sounding convinced.  I huffed and leaned my head back against the wall behind me, noting mine and Rome’s extremely close proximity.  With my head tilting up, I could easily look into Rome’s face, and I studied him while I had the unproblematic opportunity.  He had that look of concentration on his face that I recognized; eyebrows furrowed, lips slightly tightened, the upside down ‘V’ formed between his eyes.  I smiled to myself, feeling pleased, flattered, and still slightly embarrassed with the constant reminder of Rome’s hands brushing against the sensitive skin on my lower stomach.   “That’s as good as it’s gonna get for now.”

“Thanks,” I said, not bothering to check his handiwork as I waited for Rome to step away so I could go to my room and change.  It took him longer than necessary to move away, and I gave him a lingering, knowing look before passing by him to head down the hall.  I saw him smirk as he passed out of my view behind the kitchen doorway.

After showering and slipping on jeans and a pair of tennis shoes, I decided on wearing my new red and plaid button up flannel shirt.  It fit well, and wasn’t too snug but didn’t hang off my torso like a trash bag.  I liked it, and thought Maggie had nice taste.  Rome hadn’t gotten me anything for Christmas yet, but usually he gave me whatever he purchased for me on the day I gave him his birthday/Christmas present.  I applied light make up, feeling the joy that it was Christmas.  Then I realized something.

It was Christmas.

Rushing back down the hall towards the living room, I stopped when I saw Rome sitting on the couch by himself.

“Rome, it’s Christmas.  Everywhere is closed,” I pointed out, feeling very confused.  Rome wasn’t one to forget something so obvious.  He looked at me with a blank expression for a moment, and I cocked my head to the side, wanting to know what was really going on.

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