twenty-four | trying to survive

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AFTER HALF OF THE GROUP TURNED INTO IDENTICAL CLONES of Harry and changed into a new set of clothes — during which the real, very embarrassed Harry hurriedly shielded Lyra's eyes — Moody spoke up once again. "Right then. We'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector. As for you, Harry..."

"Yes?" Everyone who'd taken the potion asked.

Moody's jaw clenched. "The real one!" He snapped. "Where the devil are you, anyway?" His gaze zeroed in on the Harry standing next to Lyra. "Ah, there you are. You'll ride with Hagrid."

Hagrid stepped forward proudly. "Brought yeh here sixteen years ago when you were barely bigger than a Bowtruckle," he told Harry fondly. "Seems only righ' I be the one to ter take yeh away."

"Yeah, it's all very touching," Moody said dryly. "Let's go."

"Wait, what about Lyra?" Harry asked worriedly. "She's in just as much danger as I am, if anyone sees her—"

"That's exactly why Ms. Burke agreed to come. It provides a further distraction and gives us more of a chance to get you out safely."

Harry whirled around to Lyra. "Have you lost your mind?!" She simply raised her eyebrows. "Lyra, I — you can't — what if —"

"Let up, mate," George patted him on the shoulder. "She'll be alright. Lyra's badass, isn't that right, Fred?"

"Very right, George. Little rebel here's a right firecracker, she is." Fred smirked widely. "Or should I say, bolt of lightning?"

Lyra rolled her eyes at them and turned to Harry, grabbing his hands. "I chose to do this, Harry. Now." She let go of his hands as she mounted her broom while everyone else did as well, pairing up together. "I'll be riding alone considering the odd number of the group and the potential risk of being near me. So do not hound Hagrid into trying to look after me, do you hear me? Harry. Harry. Promise me."

Harry blinked rapidly, trying not to let the tears brim in his eyes. He was terrified for the blue-eyed witch. "You want me to promise not to help you if you're in trouble?" He shook his head. "Lyra, I can't promise that. I can't."

Knowing they were out of time, Lyra simply offered him a gentle smile. "I'll see you soon, Harry."

With that, she was off, along with the others. Of course they were almost immediately attacked by Death Eaters once they hit the sky, which had been expected. Lyra made sure to weave her way between the different pairs of her allies, not wanting to stay close to one pair for too long and make the Death Eaters target that particular fake Harry.

Lyra abruptly pointed her want to one of the Death Eaters that attempted an attack against Hermione and Kingsley, but her attention was stolen when the light of a wand blast came flying at her. She jerked her head to the side and avoided being hit full on with the curse, but it still grazed her cheekbone and cut the skin open. Pain erupted in her cheek as blood drizzled from the wound, but Lyra wouldn't pay it any mind. 

"Expelliarmus!" She shouted at her father angrily, for once not letting her fear get the best of her. Maverick hadn't been expecting the girl to fight back so suddenly and cussed as his wand flew out of his hands. He abandoned his assault on her and flew in the direction the wand had fallen in an attempt to retrieve it.

Lyra was flying faster than she'd ever flown before, seeing that she had gathered the attention of her mother and uncle, as well as a few more Death Eaters. They began to chase after her, and Lyra ducked and rolled her broom out of the way of multiple curses as she flew. She passed Remus and George, who were in a battle of their own with Snape. 

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