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*·°Ms. Yoo°·*

A new student was to be part of my dance class today, and to be honest, it was quite exciting. I had never seen the boys face before; only knowing that he was Japanese and couldn't speak korean. I tried my hardest to study my Japanese over the past few months, learning about their culture, traditions, and language. I hope I studied well, I don't want to mispronounce everything for him.

A boy I had never seen before walked into my dance class, eyes focused on the floor of the room. His hair was dark and his skin was fair, quite obvious despite the fact I couldn't see his face clearly.

The heat in the room increased as the amount of people did, body heat bouncing off the walls.
"Class, I know that some of you may have already met him, but we have a new student today."

I honestly don't know if he'll be able to pull off dancing well. His frame is a bit on the smaller side-- no, actually, he kinda has chicken legs. His proportions aren't that of a dancers, but I guess I'll never know until I see.

"Kenta, each of the dancers here had an evaluation of their dancing, so I need to see what experience you have. Please come to the center of the room, play a song of your choice, and dance."
He looked nervous, maybe even a bit anxious as he walked into the middle of the room. His breath was unstable and his knees were shaking a lot.
"Could you possibly play... 2on by Tinashe?"
I was slightly taken back at his song request. Its a bit on the feminine side in my opinion, but ill see how it goes.
His moves were both sharp and smooth when he danced; all of the anxiety visible on his face was now masked by his happiness. He looked confident and shameless, much to the opposite of before he showed his talent. To be honest, I think he and Donghan are neck and neck when it comes to there dance technique and style.
The song came to an end and the only sound heard was the heavy panting of kenta due to the dancing he had just done. His face immediately filled up with nervousness once again as his eyes shifted from one person to another.
"Im sorry, but I have to go," He said before he barged out of the doors and ran down to who knows where.
How was he so clueless, to think he was bad at the evaluation? "I'm going to find Kenta, so feel free to use your phones during this time."
I stepped into the hallway to find nothing but 2 confused looking teachers standing in the midst of it all.
"Hey, how come you look so confused?" I asked, hoping for a response related to the previous event. "A student i cant recognise just came running down the hallway for no reason. Why?"
"Do you know where he went?" I asked in a panic. "Yeah, he ran down the hallway and to the right." Without a hesitation in mind i ran down the hallway and to the right, my eyes meeting the stairs to the roof.
"What could he possibly be doing on the rooftop?" realising that the only way to answer my question was to follow suit, I ran up the stairs as well. As i opened the doors to the rooftop, I saw Kenta sitting on the floor with his face covered by his knees, hands over his head.
He looked broken down and exhausted as i stepped closer and closer, sitting down next to him. "What happened, Kenta? You did well."

"No i didn't! Everyone was staring at me because i did so terribly."

"No, no Kenta, its because of how impressed they were! Actually, i think you had the best evaluation, but thats just my opinion."



"This is a bit off topic but was my pronunciation good? I dont want my accent to get in the way of korean so i need to know if my 'really' was good."

I laughed at the question. He must really be a perfectionist, huh?

"It was just fine."

He smiled a genuine smile, a snaggletooth i didn't see before now visible. "Do you want to go back to the dance room?"

"...okay." He said as he stood up and started walking to the doors, but before he could open the 2 doors, the bell rang. "Welp, i guess ill just get my lunch instead."


The bell rang for lunch as students stormed out of the doors. I headed to my locker and grabbed my lunch, some bibimbap and triangle kimbap.
I headed to the cafeteria and sat with Hyunbin, along with my other friends, Yongguk, Sanggyun, Taehyun, Seonho, and Gunhee.
I began eating and chatting until something caught my eye. The table that nobody sits at(not because its dirty or anything, everybody just has some form of a friend group and that table is always left alone), had someone sitting there eating unfamiliar food. As i took a better look, i was sure that it was Kenta, since he doesnt know anyone and doesnt seem to know Korean that well either. "Hey guys, the new transfer student is sitting by himself, should i ask if he wants to sit with us?" Hyunbin cut in, adding a comment to my answer.
"Donghan, you dont even know how to say hi in Japanese. Let the one that lived in Japan for a bit do the talking. Im a multilingual master, just listen. English: 'hI My nAMe iS pAtRiCk KwOn.' Now Japanese: 'Hi My NaMe Is PaTrIcK kWoN.' Now tell me im not a language expert."
"...Hyunbin, lets just get Taehyun hyung to do the talking, ok?"
Hyunbin pouted, giving into my response. Taehyun got off of his chair and walked over to kenta so he could sit with us.
I saw Kenta smile gladly as he started walking to our table. I looked at his lunch; there was some rice with weird, sticky beans on top, some weird cat shaped rice or sushi, a small bowl of soup with white chunks in it, and green balls that looked like circular rice cakes. I also saw some wonton soup, but it was almost gone so im guessing thats what he was eating before.
I guess hes a big eater, especially since he has so much for lunch. The thing is, i have absolutely no idea what any of the food he had was, aside from the wonton soup.
I tapped his shoulder to get his attention, and then i asked my question in the best Japanese i could speak. "What are you eating?" He smiled happily, covering his mouth with his hand as he finished eating.
"This is Natto. Would you like to try some?" He said as he pointed to the beans. I kindly refused, but I guess Yongguk overheard the conversation and asked if he could try it. Kenta carefully passed the bowl over as Yongguk took his chopsicks and picked up a bean. It was very stringy and as Yongguk took a bite, he tried his hardest to hide his face of disgust. He passed it back to Kenta as Kenta told me the other foods. He pointed to the cat shaped rice and said, "This is Onigiri. Its a popular snack in Japan. This is Miso soup, its a common side dish back home as well. Its made with tofu. Oh, and these are Green tea mochis! There really good, you should try one!" He said as he held a mochi in between his chopsicks. This one looks a bit more trusting than the Natto, so I gave in and took the mochi. Which I am very happy i did. It tasted sweet yet bitter, due to the green tea flavor and the cream in the middle clashing in my mouth.
"Hey, uh, Kenta, where do you buy this stuff?"

"Well, i make them myself, but im sure you could find it somewhere."

"Could you possibly make me some Japanese food?"



Wow aren't i so good at writing

Another crappy chapter for you guys! I got really bored so i decided to finish writing this chapter that ive been writing for over a week so yeah. Sorry if it sucks i know my books lack hella detail that should be there but im to lazy to edit it yet so yeah. Love ya! ❤

Barrier ·°*Takada Kenta X Kim Donghan*°·Where stories live. Discover now