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*°•Kim Donghan•°*

The loud rumbling of my noisy classmates sparked a plethora of conversations in my small classroom. From asking for homework, to a group of girls next to me gossiping about the latest 'drama' going on around the school, there was all sorts of talking. There is usually no conversation that would enlighten my interests, but as I was listening around, something caught my attention.

"Yoona, apparently there's a new student coming today."

"Where did you hear that from?"

"I heard two of the teachers talking about it in the halls. Where do you think he's from?"

"I hope he's from Busan. I love the Satoori, it's so deep and sexy."

"Sexy, huh?"

Yoona earned a slight shove from her closest friend, Euijin, out of her embarrassment. Yoona continued the conversation, answering her own question.

"I hope he's from Ilsan. There's a lot of really talented people there."

I look forward, telling myself that I don't need to know anymore. I slide out my phone from my pocket and message my friend, Hyunbin.

Februrary 23, 8:25 am

Hodu: did you
hear the rumor yet?

Hyunbinnie: no, what's it about?

Hodu: apparently, there's a new student coming. today? That's what I heard yoona and euijin talking about anyway

Hyunbinnie: do you know where he's from?

Hodu: hyunbin, idek if they're a dude, do you think I would know where he's from?

Hyunbinnie: you have a point

I gtg my teachers here bye lol
Sent 8:30 am

I shut off my phone and slid it back into my pocket, seeing my teacher in the corner of my eye.

"Sorry I was late class, I was just busy talking to our new student."

Huh, I guess there is a new student.

"Would you like to walk on in, Kenta?"

Kenta. That's a pretty name.

A moment later, I see a confused boy waddle to the center of the class, In front of the podium.
His breathing was shaky and unstable, must be nervous. His head was small and round, his eyes long and narrow. His hair was dyed a chocolatey brown, parted down the middle.

His skin was so seemless, it really looked like he wasn't supposed to be in this class, but a lower grade because of how young he looked.

"Hello, my n-name is Kenta. Please take c-care of me." He blurted out before bowing in respect. "Kenta is from Japan, and isn't good at Korean so I highly encourage you not to make fun of his stuttering. He's working hard. Understood?"

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