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My first day is passing by quickly and by lunch time I have already been to four of my classes, all of which only consisted of going over the class syllabus for the semester. Luckily, none of my new teachers made me do the whole awkward new girl introduction thing to the whole class. Also lucky for me that either Gwen, Maci, or both have been in all my classes thus far and so I haven't had to sit alone. However, my next class after lunch, neither of them have and I haven't met anyone else at JRH yet.

At lunch, I grab a salad from the cafeteria and go to find Gwen and Maci outside in the quad. I hear my phone vibrate in my purse, so with my salad in one hand, I dig for my phone with the other. Suddenly someone bumps in to me and knocks me off balance. I fall to the ground and my lunch goes flying all over the place.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going. Let me help you up." A deep voice says as a hand extends towards me. I accept the gesture, still a little in shock from the collision.

The stranger pulls me to my feet, "Thanks, but I think I was the one who wasn't looking. I was-" I stop mid-sentence when I realize who the hand, which I am still holding, belongs to. Once I'm on my feet, I am eye level with Kit Kennedy and his deep green eyes are studying mine.

I must have been staring because he starts to wave a hand in front of my face. "Hey, are you okay? You didn't hit your head did you?"

"No, no I'm fine. Just...yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I bumped in to you." God stop being so awkward Ellie. Pull it together. He's just a boy.

"I think we can agree that neither of us was paying attention. But you dropped your lunch," We both look down at the floor where my salad is now scattered across the tile. "Come on, I'll buy you another one as an apology."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's my fault that you dropped it." He turns and begins walking back towards the cafeteria.

I follow after him, having to go back and get another salad anyway, no matter who is paying for it. "We agreed that we're both to blame." I remind him as we walk past a table full of girls staring at us.

The side of his mouth turns up and he looks down at me as we get in line, "Okay. Then I'll buy you this" He grabs a salad from the small refrigerated section, "and we'll find a way for you to apologize to me some other time."

Before I have a chance to reply, Kit continues down the line, grabbing a slice of pizza as he makes his way to pay. He hands the woman at the register some money and turns to hand me my brand new salad, "Here you go..."


"Here you go, Ellie." He smiles again, a full blown smile this time and it's like he's a totally different person than he was this morning when I saw him leaning against the lockers staring off into space.

"Thank you, Kit." He looks surprised at the fact that I know his name, but he doesn't say anything about it. Instead he nods his head and walks off towards a table where I can see Finn waiting for him.

I walk out to the quad, salad in hand, and find my friends both staring at me with their mouths open as I approach.

"What was that?" Gwen shrieks as she grabs my arm and puls me down to the table.

Maci still had her mouth open in awe, "Did Kit Kennedy just talk to you and buy your lunch?"

"I mean, we bumped in to each other and he bought if for me as an apology since I dropped mine. I don't think it really counts as talking to me. He was just being polite."

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