Chapter 3

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Three days.

Gold Leader just had to last three days.

Then she could be rid of the annoying, cocky, sarcastic, attractive Norwegian-

Gold hissed and pulled at her hair, rolling the pen between her fingers. She glared at the mound of paperwork in front of her. She growled and dropped her head onto her desk.

"Something the matter, love?" her Norwegian irritant purred from the corner of the room. She banged her forehead against the mahogany desk in frustration. Tord chuckled.

Gold frowned and sat up, glancing at her leather wrist watch. 3:47am.

"Ugh," she said, dropping her head back to her desk. She could practically feel Tord grinning at her.

"You know," Tord started. Gold lifted her head up to look at him, "I told you my name--"

"--Mon dieu, not this again--"

"-- but you haven't told me yours."

"I know that Tord," she snapped, glaring at him, "you've only been telling me that every five minutes for the past hour."

Tord shrugged and grinned his infamous Cheshire cat smile, canines shining in the lamplight, "It's common courtesy, love."

Gold groaned and placed her head in her hands, bracing her elbows on the top of her desk. "You've been here, what, five hours and you've already got a pet name for me?" she grumbled.

The Norwegian chuckled, "Ja, though I had to think about which one to use."

"You thought about this!?"

Tord snickered.

Gold sighed. "I need a drink..." She stood abruptly and rounded the desk, heading for the liquor cabinet on the right side of the room. She threw the doors open, rattling the etched glass panes set in the Baobab wood.

She ran her fingers over the bottles of alcohol, touching each label as if making a hard decision. ... Three types of Vodka, one Gin, one red wine-

Gold jumped, feeling hot breath fanning the back of her neck. She spun quickly - hand going to her knife sheath on her belt - and found herself face to face with the Red Leader, their noses centimeters apart.

"À l'enfer avec vous!" she swore loudly, stumbling backwards and smacking him on the arm. Tord remained placid, staring at the types of beverages she had in her cabinet.

"I never pegged you as a chocolate kind of girl," he said, looking at her lacquers.

"Oh mon dieu..."


Feet thundered down the hall as soldiers worked their way to the cafeteria for breakfast. Gold, intent on getting at least a bit of sleep, was just rising. She yawned and stretched, feeling content.

And then she remembered Tord.


Gold groaned and stood, shaking the stiffness of sleep out of her legs. She crossed the room to her wardrobe and yanked the doors open, picking through her gold and black clothes.

Gold finally settled on black jeans, pale yellow tank-top and a leather jacket. She decided against shoes, remembering that she had set up sparring practice from 8:00 to 10:00. There were no shoes allowed in the ring, so why put them on and have to take them off one hour from now.

Finally, Gold sucked in a deep breath and headed out the door of her bedroom into the adjacent office-

- And walked in to find Tord sitting in her chair, cleaning underneath his fingernails with one of her knives.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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