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I stood their and the sans with errors got up i smirked the others sat down and stared he started to run towards me i pushed him and backed kicked him and he flew into another tree damn the creepy bloody sans yelled soon he got up and soon blue strings wrapped around me soon a floating bone head apperd (gaster blasters) i grabbed my knives from my high heel boots and cut the blue strings and i used my force field i made to protect me when the smoke cleard the sheild faded i picked it up i looked around he wasnt here till i sensed him behind me soon i turned on my heel and caught his fist W..WAT THE HE..HELL he yelled i smirked at him i used my foot and knocked him off his feet and i soon used my shot gun and shot him he flew in the forest the wind blew my hair i smiled the others stared at me the one with the axe chareged at me i used my syth and blocked his hit his axe got stuck in the ground he stared at me till i looked up at him my whole eyes were black leaking black liqud he was shocked

till i punched him in the face i flipped over my syth and kicked him he also flew in the forest i smiled they were shocked at how im fighting i can beat you guys with my eyes closed i said with a chuckle the one sans dressed as fell paps chareged at me i had my eyes closed he tried punching me till i grabbed his fist and twirled under himm and kneed his arm he screamed i used my leg and swung it over him the back of his neck and i spun and threw him where the error sans was i landed on me feet wat the fuck the papyrus said and looked at me he kinda smiled i smiled back till something hit me i fell i turned and seen the one sans with the white coat and red white eyes and huge knife i smiled and i used a ki blast black and green and hit him he flew back the others i fought sat by the others i walked up to the sans i put my foot on him he looked at me till he smirked i was confused he kicked me in the gut to hard

and i spat out blood soon i looked up and seen white knive with a purple glow then the sans turned into a human chara i mubeld and then the knives went towards me i coverd my face they cut me and my cloths and face untill i ki blast him and the knives dissapire i ran up to him and jump kicked him into the forest i breathed and soon enough it was quite we heard yelling RETREAT the error sans said soon the one sans with the black tentical stabbed me in the stomach and all of them dissapire i fell in the cold snow and some snow coverd my body here and there and some parts of my body turned blue blood ran out of the cuts all over my body and face my neck and legs hurt and had brusies HUMAN i heard papyrus yell oh no please answer us kid yell so we can find you sans yelled lazari where are you please be safe frisk yelled PET PLEASE BE ALIVE fell yelled everyone yelled for me till they found my dameg form my yellow and blue eyes were opened and dull almost my redsish plum lips shiverd and had a hint of blue all of them had wide eyes AGHH HUMMMAAANNNN sans and papyrus yelled and sans ran up to me and he held me we need to heal her stack scince sans said AGREED they said then everything went --black--

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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