Harry Potter Oc #1

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Era|Golden Trio

Name|Naomi (Grace) Black

Nickname(s)|Nao, Grace, & Traitorous Blood


Birthday|April 5th


Species|Human Witch

Blood Status|Pure-Blood

Sexuality|Bisexual & Demiromantic


Personality|Naomi is very confident person, someone that you would think nothing could bother them. She is cocky, sarcastic, and constantly making jokes  mostly because she has the intelligence to back it up.. Yet she does care, she honestly is one of the kindest and loyalist people you will meet. She likes helping people or sometimes giving people what they deserve, it all depends on how you are as a person. Make her mad and you will feel her fury, but most people know not to do that.

Mental Issues|ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks

Looks|Michelle Trachtenberg

Outfit(s)|Look at my Pinterest

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Outfit(s)|Look at my Pinterest

Pet|Black & White Cat

Hobbies|Watching Muggle Anime, Muggle Video Games, Reading, Listening to the Rain, & Watching Lightening Storms

Likes|Sweet's, Magic, Cuddles, Magical Creatures, & Being Lazy

Dislikes|Spicy Food, Bullies, People Chewing Loudly, Being Woken up Early, & the color Pink

Best Friend(s)|Fred & George Weasley

Friends|Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, All Weasley's, Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, All Gryffindor's, Tonks, & Order of the Phoenix

Acquaintances|Snape, Draco Malfoy, Dobby, Luna Lovegood, Trelawney, & Flitwick

Enemies|Voldemort, Umbridge, Bellatrix Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Filch, Dursley's, Pansy, & Lockhart

Family|Sirius Black(Father)
Remus Lupin(God Father)

Love Interest|Fred Weasley

Backstory|Naomi has always had a hard life, considering she was the offspring of what was assumed to be a one night stand. When she was born according to her Father he found her on his doorstep, leaving him confused and unsure what to do. From there her Father went to his friends about what to the do, the Potter's & Remus helping the most. Which made Sirius make Lily & Remus her god-parents, especially since Naomi loved them the most when she was young.
As Naomi grew up her Father was always unsure, but he tried to take care of her the best he could. She was probably the most excited when Lily got pregnant, thinking she would have a friend finally since no one else in their friend group had a kid. She knew about the Weasley's also via Lily, but had never met one before.
When Voldemort attacked the Potter family and her Father was locked up, Naomi was given to Remus. He was to raise her til she was old enough to go to school, plus make sure she was okay during the Summer. It was hard growing up without her actual Dad, but she knew her Father would never do that to Lily & James. She saw their friendship, so she hoped one day he would escape and come home. So Remus agreed to let her continue living in her home, living with her til she was 11 finally getting her letter to Hogwarts. She constantly wondered about Harry, but Remus always assured her that he was okay without knowing much.
She met the Twins on the train, connecting very quickly with the both of them. Even more so when they got into the same House, becoming best friends easily. For her first 2 years she was by their side, pranking and goofing off almost all the time. She spent her summer with them, becoming quick friends with Molly and the other Weasley's. Especially after explaining who she was and her closeness with Lily, which she was glad no one judged her because of her Father's 'actions'.
Remus was glad to see her with friends, even more so when he didn't have to worry about her with Molly around. Of course he didn't know she was still bullied in school, but with the boys around she felt safe. Glad she had them, even if the words hurt hearing them...or if they pissed her off even.

Future Job: Aurar
Wand: Sycamore wood with a dragon core 12 ½
Favorite Class: DADA
Least Favorite Class: Muggle Studies
Favorite Drink & Food: Butterbeer & Sweets
Least Favorite Drink & Food: Fire Whiskey & Spicy Food
Patronus: Beagle
Boggart: Unknown Dark
Quidditch?: Yes-Beater
-She stops Sirius & Fred from dying
-After becoming Best Friend's with the Twin's she decided to spend most of her summer at the Burrow instead of her Home(Which Remus doesn't care about)

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