Twilight Oc's #2, 3,& 4

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Willow-Underlined, Elizabeth-Italics, Aspen-Bold

Name|Willow, Elizabeth, Aspen Montgomery

Nickname(s)|Beth(Her Sisters Only) & Montgomery Sisters(Famous Title of Recognition)

Age|Born in 1800, 18 when Changed 1818.
They are 206 by the time Bella meets the Volturi

Birthday|June 16th



Sexuality|Straight?-The Girls have never Explored

Personality|Willow is the chameleon of the 3, she can play any role that she wants to get her needs. She can be sweet and kind or she can be cold as ice, anything is possible when it comes to her. As a Human Willow was more mature and calm, doing as her Family asked and tried to have her sisters do the same. However Willow was never one for the whole pomp and chase of the Nobles, did she ever believe she would find She did however hope that for her sisters, allowing herself to put her mind at ease believing she would be a spinster in life. So she worked extra hard on her sisters, heckling them into finding men they could spend their life with like their parents. However...after life was opened up to them as Vampires Willow changed completely, she became She became someone who looked death in the eye and smiled, she feared nothing. She became this cold one, who had a sinister side to her. She enjoyed people being in pain, making them scream at her enjoyment. 
Elizabeth has always been the more quieter, think outside the book daughter. She preferred books over friends, staying inside instead of going out. She never preferred the idea of getting married, finding most men to be stupid and never keep up with her intellectually. However as a woman she was forced to put herself out there and look for a man, she found it...absolutely exhausting. Wishing to god something would save her, since the only escape she had was through books. However once she was changed into a vampire, her personality didn't change unlike her oldest sister. Elizabeth still enjoyed her books, but she was glad to no longer have people breathing down her neck. She was able to grow and expand, let out all the ideas in her head. When she was human, women weren't allowed to have ideas. They weren't allowed to do anything but childbearing and run the household, which even that was barely. Yet as a vampire she could explore and see others creativity, it gave her!
Aspen was always different from her sisters, she was outgoing and all smiles. She never complained or even cried as a baby, she was always the good girl. When it came to marriage she was always willing to do, loving the idea of love. She believed all the fairy tales, she thought she would have the picturesque marriage. Everything would perfect, her husband would love her, she would give him many babies. Her mother absolutely loved that about Aspen, but in truth it just allowed people to use her. She had always been so innocent and sweet, never realizing people can be cruel. She many suitors as a human, however once her sisters chose to become Vampires Aspen not wanting to be left behind followed suit. As a vampire she did what she needed to survive, she was never as cruel as Willow. She hated taking lives, but she also needed to survive. Not knowing any other way, she followed her sisters to the end of the earth. Wanting them all to be together til the end, however Aspen's powers she received sent Aspen spiraling. Knowing everything everyone was going through hurt her heart, wanting to help them all as much as she could. In the end it only got her hurt more, til she slowly...started going insane. Talking to herself and believing she was having conversations with people when it was all in the persons head, needless to say Aspen was never the same.

Mental Issues|Sadistic & People Pleaser

Looks|Anne Hathaway, Keira Knightley, & Kate Mara

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