The Internet

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Once again, I don't own Hamilton and this is an RPF. Thanks for reading!

A week later ,Elizabeth huffed as she sat down onto her bed. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her. How could this be happening? She was perfectly happy living with her mother and going to school. She knew Virginia and was happy in her small town. So his name is Lin and he has something to do with a play? She reached for her laptop and went to Google. 

Lin Play

She thought it was a weak attempt at finding anything but then thousands of pages and links flashed across the screen. All screaming praises about a Broadway play named "Hamilton".
Elizabeth scanned the screen before clicking on a link.

Lin Manuel-miranda,  a Puerto Rican hero has done it again! After his Tony award winning musical "In the Heights" we thought he couldn't get anymore talented. His latest Broadway hit Hamilton, a rap musical about our founding fathers, has people going crazy trying to get tickets!

Elizabeth paused, How? This can't be him ? I look nothing like him. It was true, in the picture below the article a man with tan skin, brown eyes, and shoulder length brown hair stood smiling, holding some sort of award.

An idea suddenly hit her. Closing her tabs, Liz jumped up and ran to the hallway outside her bedroom door. She pulled a rope to open the attic and ascended the latter into the attic. Her mother was at work which allowed Liz full reighn of the house. Carefully avoiding an possible spider hideouts she began scoping out the cramped space. Heat , dust, and darkness dulled her senses, but she was on a mission. Spending the better part of an hour in tight quarters she finally found a box buried beneath old quilts that where tucked in the back. She recognized her mother's handwriting and carefully pulled the moth-eaten lid off. She found dozens up old pictures of her mother in highschool.  Most were faded and worn. Her mother seemed happy, although a slight sadness could be seen in her eyes. Finally,  she found what she was looking for. An image of her mother, standing with her arms wrapped around the same man on the website.  He was years younger, but it was obviously him.

Elizabeth rocked back onto her heels. Grasping the picture in one hand, she exited the attic after returning everything to its original place.  She went down stairs to find her keys. She found them on the table next to her sunglasses and grabbed both before getting into her truck and heading to town.  She drove until she saw the little Mexican restraunt and put her turn signal on. Pulling into the parking lot  she parked and ran inside.

"Hola, how many in your party? " a middle aged lady asked her.

"I'm not here para comida, I need to see señora Flores. " Liz said, slightly proud that she remembered the miniscule amount of Spanish even though she was in Spanish 4.

"Okay, Un momento por favor." The lady disappeared into a back room before returning. " Follow me."

"Gracias." She saw the ageing woman sitting in an armchair. Her graying hair pulled into a bun.
"Senora Flores, how are you?"
"Bien, y tú?"
"Asi, Asi. I need to ask you a question if you don't mind?" Elizabeth  bit her lip worriedly.
"Of course,  what is it?" The kind woman asked.
" You taught my mom. And I was wondering if you remembered a guy ever coming to see her? Her boyfriend to be exact?" Liz handed her the picture. Señora Flores looked down at the picture and a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, "Ah, Lìn. Yes, I remember him. A bright young man. Very kind and funny.  Now, why are you asking me this niña? "
" I- I think he wants me. He and mom had a fight. I think he's in Virginia. " Liz, looked at the floor. She looked back up, "I'm worried. " 
"Oh, niña , everything will work out." Señora tried to consol Elizabeth.  They talked for an hour before Liz left.

Driving the back roads home, she tried to relax. A headache was pounding away and there was little she could do. She pulled into her driveway and made it halfway before she saw the blue lights.  Her stomache sunk as she hit the gas and sped up the driveway to see two police cars and a County car parked next to her mom's car. She had never felt so scared in her life, with a hundred senarios  flooding her mind. She jumped out the truck . As she hit the bottom staircase she yelled. "Mom!"
Her mother's head peaked out the door and her mouth opened to speak before a police officer blocked their view.
"Woah, easy there." He was big, and grabbed her by her shoulders. Why don't you and I go sit and talk over here? "
"No." Elizabeth said stubbornly as she tried to push past him.
"Sweetheart,  I wasn't asking. " And just like that, he scooped her up and she found he self sitting in a police passenger seat with her legs out to the side. The police officer, who's name she didn't care to Learn , squatted down to her height. "Now, can you tell me if your mama has ever done any type of drugs?"
"What? No! Never, of course not! Why are you people even here?" She was practically vibrating with nerves. A CPS worker came over and pulled the officer aside before whisperer in his ear. The new worker , Donna , smiled," Elizabeth,  honey, your mother was caught with heroine. Among several other illegal drugs. "
Liz growled," Your wrong. She- She's not a drug addict."

"No, she's not. But  Joseph is. "

Liz's eyes widened in anger and fear, " That's her boss. That's not her fault if she has to work for him!"

Donna held up placating hands, " Take a deep breath. Elizabeth, your mother was buying and selling and running drugs for him. That's how she began to pay off bills."

"No, that's not true! That bast-"

"Language!" Donna cut her off. " Elizabeth,  I'm going to be honest with you.  This isn't good. Your father imeadiatly filed for emergancy custody when we informed him of this. In fact, he's it the house with your mother right now.

Whew! That was tough. Okay, I made up the article she read and again I don't know anything about custody or CPS so sorry if messed everything up.

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