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I panic, searching the floor.

I love that necklace. I can't lose it. I don't know who gave it to me, but I love it so much.

I sit on my bed, defeated.

How could I have lost it? I've kept such good care of it over the thirteen years I've had it, polishing the gold rose, keeping the crystal in the center spotless.

I flop back on the bed, and a tear slips down my cheek.

I worm around. There's something hard in the mattress.

My hand snakes under the blankets, snatches the object, and slips out again.

I stifle tears when I see it.

My necklace!

I gasp in relief, caressing the rose. I slip it over my head, deciding to go outside to get some fresh air.

I inhale the crisp morning air deeply, glancing at the watch on my wrist.

How is it eight already?

I must have been out for longer that I thought.

I walk to the backyard. The sunlight is better there, and I'm still shivering from the panic attack.

I sit down on the grass right in the middle of a large patch of sunlight. My necklace feels cold against my neck; I pull it out as I realize that it slipped under my shirt. I turn it so that the crystal is faced toward the sky, and I realize that it has a... Is that a blue tint?

I have no time to think it over as it emits a blindingly blue light. I panic as I fall into it, and my body seems to dissolve.

Battle for the MoonlarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora