"-- but he's never cared about any of them. Hit and run. Smash and pass. Fuck and duck--"

"I get it."

"-- but whenever it has something to do with Carly, he's like a different person. Blake warned all the guys on campus about staying away from her. Why do you think she hasn't had a boyfriend for the past three years she's been in UCLA? He's more protective about her than he is about you, and that's saying a lot."

As his words sunk in and the memories of my brother's odd actions towards Carly came together in a perfect puzzle of realization, I started laughing. Still straddling Aiden, I bounced up and down in happiness and clapped my hands.

"Oh my God! This is great! Carly's going to be so happy. This will definitely make her forget about Chris' murder." I said, joyfully.

Aiden groaned and put his hands on my hip, stopping me from moving. "Please stop doing that." he said. "I'm so turned on, it hurts."

I stopped bouncing and raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh?" I hovered over him once more and laid a kiss on his lips. "I think Carly and Blake can be alone for a few more minutes."


Two hours later, we were pounding on the door of Blake's apartment. Being the impatient person that I am, after waiting a full five seconds after my first knock, I knocked nonstop.

"Calm down, Blair bear." Aiden said. "Are you sure you told Carly we would be late?"

"Yes!" I said impatiently. "I texted her twice but she never replied."

"Well, there ya go! They're probably not even home."

They have to be home! I have to tell Carly about what Aiden said about Blake!

I began knocking again, harder and louder. "Open up! I know you're in there! It's me, Blair--"

The door opened widely, causing me to trip forward but Aiden caught my waist in time and stopped the fall. I looked up to see Blake's face and I felt my chest clench.

He looked awful. Dressed in sweats. Pale. Blood shot eyes. Dark circles under his hazel eyes. But the worst thing about his appearance that hurt my feelings, as his little sister, was the hurt and pained look in his eyes but at the same time, it was mixed with a blank face.

Something was wrong.

"Blake? Are you okay, bro?" I heard Aiden ask from behind me.

Blake blinked and snapped out of the trance he was in. He lifted a hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it while sighing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." his voice cracked when he replied.

"Uhm. Are you sure? Cause you look like complete shit." Aiden said.

Blake smirked but the grin was hallow. "I can always count on your honesty, Aiden." he stepped aside to give us room to enter. "Come inside, I need to lock the door."

This isn't Blake.

He hasn't tackled me in a hug. He didn't interrogate Aiden about our new sleeping arrangements. He didn't crack a joke about Carly's obsessiveness.

Something was very wrong.

"Where's Carly?" I asked him.

I didn't miss the way his eyes dropped to the floor or the way he nervously cleared his throat. I noticed him shift uncomfortably and avoid looking at me straight in the eye.

"She's in your old room." he answered. I also didn't miss the sadness in his voice.

After giving Aiden a pointed look, hinting him to talk to Blake, I walked away and headed towards Carly's current room. I knocked lightly before opening the door and walking in, not waiting for her permission.

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