Chapter five

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I wish I could describe the feeling I was currently having. It was so wonderful to finally be in London. I’ve had been three weeks here now and everything went as planned. Wilma worked at Charing Cross Hospital at the children’s unit. I was so jealous of her. I also wanted to work like she did, but my stupid knee didn’t let me. So while Wilma worked so that we could live in our gorgeous apartment, I was doing my rehab. Everything so I would be able to work as soon as possible. We had landed a contract for an apartment with two bedrooms, one living room and a big kitchen. My bedroom were identical with Wilma’s but it didn’t matter. And we got it fully furnished as well.

”Hello?” I heard Wilma say from the hallway.

”Hi.” I answered tired. All I did today was lying on the sofa watching reruns of TV series, except for being at the rehab clinic. “How was your day?” I asked when Wilma appeared in the living room while she jumped down in the sofa. She was looking really tired.

”Like every other day.” She sighed. ”But fun.” She added smiling. ”It’s a lot to do and much to learn, but totally fun.” I tried to not look at her with a jealous glaze.

“There is some food in the kitchen if you want.” I said. One thing I had to do while I was at home was making food. I had to make my self useful at least.

“Oh, thanks!” Wilma said and jumped off the sofa. After a while she came back with a plate full of food.  I focused on the TV again which was showing some music program. The five boys of One Direction appeared on the screen and both Wilma and I started to stare at the screen. As soon as the interview was over I started to get myself of the sofa.

“Are you working tomorrow?” I asked Wilma, hoping that we could do something tomorrow.

“Nope. Do you have something in mind?”

“What if we could go and take a cup of tea somewhere?”

“That sounds good.” She smiled.

”What if we meet after my appointment with the physiotherapist?”

“Should I be there at eleven o’clock?”

“That sounds good, but I can be a little late. You never know that Timmy have in mind sometimes.” I joked. Timmy was my physiotherapist.

“Okay, sleep well.” Wilma said and I went to my bedroom. I lay down on the bed with my laptop in front of me. It didn’t take long before I was a sleep.

The next day I had a very good session with Timmy. It really felt like I did some progress.

I was in the changing room when I remembered that Wilma was waiting for me. Looking at my phone I realized that i was late. Dialing her number I waited for her to pick up.

“Hello?!” She said. ”Where are you?” I nearly didn’t hear her. There was so mush noise.

“I just have to take a shower. I’ll be out in 15 minutes if that is ok? I almost screamed to her.

“Ok, you will never believe what is happening right now.”

“What?!” I wondered in confusion.

“I’ll tell you when you come out.” She said ending our call. I tried to hurry as much as I could, but it’s hard on one leg. Timmy had banned me from walking without the crutches. So I obeyed. But seriously it had been nine weeks since the accident and operation so in my mind I could let go of the crutches soon. I putted my clothes on and the backpack. Yeah, a backpack. Every other bag wasn’t a choice when you’re on crutches. I made my way down the hallway to the elevator. It was hot inside with my winter coat on. But it was much needed in the freezing cold outside. The elevator made a noise to notice that it was on the same floor as me. My eyes almost popped out of their eye sockets when the elevator door opened. In front of me stood a blonde boy with gorgeous blue eyes.

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