Chapter three

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Two weeks since the accident and one week at home. I was already sick and tired of doing rehab exercises and being home alone. Wilma had work to take care of and lately she had been grumpy and easily annoyed, as if she wanted to talk to me about something but never had the guts to do. So to spare her the agony I had decided to ask her tonight after her evening shift at the hospital. To make the time go until she got home I did some more rehab exercises and after that I started a movie. Finally I heard the key in the door lock and that meant that she was home.

“Hello?” she howled out in the hallway.

“In the living room.” I answered nervously, because I knew what I had to do. I didn’t want Wilma to be so grumpy all the time over something that wasn’t worth it.  She walked into the living room looking all tired.

“We have to talk about something.” I spoke up looking at her.

“Yeah, I know.” She sighed and sat down in the sofa. She looked really tired, like it had been a very tough day. We both sat there in silence, waiting for the other to speak up. Finally I did.

“Why are you so grumpy, Wilma?”

“Simply because I don’t know if our London trip is ever going to happen now after your accident.” I knew it. That was the reason she had been all mad the past week. Truth to be told, Wilma and I had jobs at the Charing Cross Hospital in London as nurses and we already got an apartment there. Everything was ready for us to go. But I knew I couldn’t work as a nurse for a while.

“But you know. I’m not cancelling it if you don’t.” I told her smiling, hoping that she didn’t want to cancel the trip. The date of the trip was set a month from now and there was nothing more I wanted than to go. I looked at Wilma who had this unreadable expression on her face. I couldn’t read her at all. Surprising me she jumped and hugged me tight.

”What’s this for?” I laughed confused. As she let me go she was also laughing.

“I thought that you wanted to cancel because your accident. Because you not going to be able to work there.” She looked so scared like we were talking about death or something.

“I really want to go.” I said sadly, but I knew deep inside that it wouldn’t work if I didn’t have a job.

“We will make I work. I have I job there and I can work some extra shift so that we can afford the flat there.”

“But, I can’t live on you.” I said and tried not tocry. I could feel the tears fill up in my eyes.

“Yes you can. We just have to live on a harsh budget while you can’t work.”

“It feels wrong to live up your money. I have saved some but when I start to work I have to start paying you back. You got to let me pay you back.” I said and looked at Wilma. I already knew that it would be hard for her to accept my money, but I had to pay her back.

“I know, but it’s something we have to do if we’re going to London. It will all work out when we get there. Maybe you can get another job that doesn’t require that you have to walk so much. There isn’t anything wrong with your head and brain right?” she laughed.

“Not that I know of. “ I couldn’t stop laughing. Wilma always jokes when we talk about something thatis quite serious. It’s just her character. Wilma yawned and I followed.

“Time for bed?” I asked and started to get of the sofa.

”Oh, yes. But it’s my free day tomorrow so we can sit down and talk about the budget and so tomorrow if you want.”

“That would be great, but it has to be after my appointment at the hospital. Sleep well.” I said and hugged her and then I made my way to my bedroom. My room is quite big with space for a bed and a desk. Before I went to bed I just had to check the internet if there was anything new, especially on twitter.

The next day I had to wake up early because I had to be at the hospital and I didn’t want to bother Wilma with driving me so I took the bus. My mission for the day was to get some names on rehab clinics in London where I could continue my rehab at. After a good two hours of rehab exercises and a list of clinic’s that could help me, I left the hospital and headed home. So the first thing I did when I got home was to look them up on the internet. I even emailed two of them that looked good and was affordable. And importantly, those two clinics where not far from the apartment. I leaned back on my computer chair looking at the screen. I was so happy that this might work.

I got my crutches up and walked out to the living room where there was no sign of Wilma. But then there was a noise from the kitchen and I jumped in there. Wilma was standing in the PJ’s with her head in the refrigerator. It was a funny sight. I cleared my throatto get her attention and she spun around. In one hand she got milk and in the other some juice while she was eating on a banana. At the same time she looked very surprised. That was hilarious and I couldn’t help myself so I started to laugh. Wilma joined me and soon we were laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

After a while we stopped laughing and started to talk about everything. We ate some lunch but for Wilma it was breakfast and as soon as the food was in our stomachs we started to talk about the trip to London.

“Are you sure you wanna do you rehab there and not here where you started it?” Wilma asked putting the dish in the washing machine.

“Yeah. I really want to go to London.” I answered. ”But we have to check our finances first.” I pouted. That was out main problem, the money.

”Let’s see if we can make it work then.” Wilma said and disappeared in to her bedroom. After a minute or so she came out with her laptop and some papers.

“Let’s do it.” She said sitting down. And so we did for hours. And the result was in our favour. When I looked at the clock it was about eight in the evening and I was hungry. I stretchedand yawned.

“Are you hungry?” I said and yawning again.

”Yes, and you?”

”Do you even have to ask?” I smirked. “Can we order something, I don’t feel like making something at this hour.” I lamented.

“Yeah, I hear you. What about some Chinese food?”

“That sounds good.” I answered. Wilma called and ordered some food.  Meanwhile I went to my bedroom got get my wallet.

“The food is ready in 15 minutes.” I heard Wilma say as I jumped out to the kitchen again.

“Then we have to go now.” I chuckled. Wilma just looked at me like she knew what I meant.

Soon we were out the door and headed for the restaurant. It took a while because of the crutches. I couldn’t wait to get rid of them.

The week went by and I didn’t hear anything from the rehab clinics I had emailed. It was depressing because I really just wanted to get an answer from them. Wilma and I had decided that we needed to know if I could do my rehab on one of them before we left. And now the trip was only three weeks from now. I decided to give them tomorrow as well to get back to me.

To my delight there was an email in my inbox when I started my laptop the next morning. And the news were in my favor. A top rehab clinic had accepted me as a patient and wanted me to come to them when we had landed in London. One less thing to worry about was my direct thought. I emailed back and asked some questions and told them when we were supposed to go to London. While I waited for an answer I look around the internet for something interesting. Twitter, Tumblr, facebook and YouTube where the usual sites I would go to. I could kill hours of doing nothing. When Wilma came home from work I told her the news. She got ecstatic. Now our trip was finally happening.

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