[4.] It Felt Good To Be Home

Start from the beginning

"Francesca, are you afraid that if you go back you will for him again?" He asks, his eyebrow raised.

"Of course not! I would never fall for that lying, cheating bastard," I spat and he nods. This time he was unconvinced.

I would not fall for him again. How could I? He cheated on me. I have to remember that. That is the only reason why I left but it was enough.

Nothing can change the way I feel about him–which is disdain. The new way I feel about him. Not the feeling of love.

Who are you trying to convince Francesca?

Christian leaves the room ad I collapse onto the bed, clutching my shirts against my chest. I could not deny it.

There was a small sliver of my feelings for him left in me. I wonder if that can ever be erased or will I feel it forever? There was a part of me that remembered all of the good times I had with him. All of the love we shared. The way he would look at me like I was the only girl in the world.

But then that made me angry. How could we have strayed so far? How could I have not suspected a thing? How was I so blinded by my love for him that I could not see what was right in front of me.

It all made sense now. The late nights, the perfume, the occasional hickey that I just dismissed even though we probably had not kissed in days. The fact he sometimes slept with his back towards me as if he could not bear to look me in the eyes. The lipstick. The loosened tie.

It was all there.

It doesn't matter now.

I have turned over a new leaf. And when I go there, all of the sweet moments and stolen kisses we shared will no longer exist. All that will remain is the feeling of betrayal that I will hold with my head held up high.

 All that will remain is the feeling of betrayal that I will hold with my head held up high

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WE LEFT TWO days later.

We sat next to each other, with me in the middle. Tomas was now bursting with excitement, all of his previous reluctance suddenly gone. He had never been to Buenos Aires and not even I could deny the beauty of it.

It took two flights to get there with a short stop-over in between. I did not mind, it only delayed my arrival.

I finally felt fear. It all became real as I was collecting my bags for the second time. The trepidation increased as we walked towards the exit. I wanted to stay in the airport as long as possible.

There was still a good two months until the wedding that would be held late September. She had always wanted a spring, garden wedding. I was happy that her dreams were coming true.

However, the fact that the wedding was two months away meant that I could not run away that quickly. I needed to stay for the wedding and my father's plan for these two months was for me to patch up all of my relationships.

It was a sweet plan of his but I hated it.

It could either mean two months of pure bliss as they accepted me and welcomed me back in or it would be two months of absolute torture as they spent all of their time tormenting me.

It would probably be one of the other, I could not see a grey area anywhere.

I took my last step out of the airport and into Buenos Aires. The airport was secluded and surrounded by mainly green but sometimes bright colours of flowers. I took a deep breath in and let the wind travel through my hair.

It felt good to be home.

I changed my mind but I was still here. So I had to change my mindset. I would not let any of them hurt me again. I was smarter than I was then and I would not allow myself to fall for their tricks again.

This time, if any of them tried to hurt me, I would not feel the same pain.

This time I would not be dragged through hell again.

This time I would not be dragged through hell again

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We have moved past the introductory chapters and can proceed to the real plot of the book, save for two of Leon's.

She is in Buenos Aires and in the next chapter she will finally see everybody again! And then, we can finally visit Leon. I wonder how he's doing after the prologue?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it was not too boring. I suppose an important thing to remember is that Francesca really loved Leon. It is hard to hate someone you loved for so long. (Marcel from The Originals ; ) )

Thanks for reading 🙈 Sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

~Lexy 😈

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