"The honor is all mine." I curtsied and everyone was laughing. Peter then returned.

"All boys go to your rooms unless you are on shift tonight. You will all need your rest for tomorrow." Peter said all the boys scurried away like roaches to light.

"Are Michael and John okay?" I asked. "Do they need anything? Are they comfortable?"

"Calm down Wendy they are fine and I have boys outside both of their tents." Peter assured.

"They aren't sharing a room. May be I should check in on them." I started walking but Peter put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wendy they are okay. I want to show you something." Peter put out his hand for me.

"Are you sure they're okay?" I asked.


I grabbed Peters hand and we made our way out of the hideout.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I figured your first night in Neverland may be you would want to see some of the island but if you want to go back-"

"I never said I did. I just wanted to know where we were going."

"It's a surprise." Peter smirked.

"Will you just tell me?"

"That would ruin the surprise."

"Fine don't tell me." I huffed.

"I won't."

We approached this beautiful blue lagoon.

"Is this what I think it is?" I could feel my mouth drop open. This was the mermaids lagoon. The water was glowing a florecent blue and Peter and I were standing on a rock in the middle of the lagoon. It was more of a cave than a lagoon but who needs specifics.

"Yes. I knew how much you wanted to come here. I must warn you though the mermaids can be feisty."

Before I could ask what he meant a mermaid swam up to the rock.

"Peter who is this?" The mermaid asked.

"Arista, this is Wendy it is her first time here in Neverland."

"Hi Wendy." Arista said wickedly. "Want to go for a swim?"

Before I could answer she pulled me into the water.

"Let me go!" I screamed but I couldn't see anything.

"Arista that is enough." I could slightly hear Peter say.

I was thrown back up onto the rock. I coughed up some water.

"What was that for?!?" I exclaimed looking at Arista.

"Oh calm down. I was just having a little fun," she smirked.

"Fun? I could've died!" All I could see was Peter laughing to my side. "It wasn't funny." I stated.

"You have to admit it was pretty funny." Peter couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Hilarious." I scowled. "May be we could do this again some time." I smiled bitterly at Arista.

"May be I certainly enjoyed it."

"Next time I see you could be on land may be." I starred her down. "Roasting over a fire!" I was about to jump back into the lagoon when Peter pulled me back. "Let me go!"

"Wendy calm yourself. Arista you can go now." Peter said.

"But I missed you." Arista scanned him up and down.

"Now." Peter said sternly.

"Fine." Arista huffed and swam back to the sea.

"Why did she do that?" I asked Peter. "I never did anything to her."

"Relax she is just jealous." Peter crossed his arms as if it was no big deal.

"Jealous. She almost killed me because she was jealous." I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow someone is catching on." Peter rolled his eyes.

"What could she possibly be jealous of?" I thought. Peter gave me a 'you really don't know' look. "You?" I asked and he nodded and I just started laughing.

"What?" Peter sounded offended.

I put my hands up. "Nothing." I shrugged.

"Tell me." Peter demanded.

"May be." I smiled. "Let's just go back."

"Or we could stay out a little longer." Peter suggested.

"Or we could go back." I added.

"It's practically tomorrow and we have a lot of work to do."

"Work?" I asked.

"Yes today is game day." Peter smiled wickedly.

"Game day? You never told me about game day."

"Game day is when we all play a fun game and a winner gets a prize."

"Well what's the prize?" I questioned.

"It depends on the winner." Peter smirked.

"Well what is the game? What is the challenge?"

"Treasure Hunt." Peter smirked again.

"Well what is the treasure."

"Whoever 'finds' Captain Hooks favorite gold ring that has a giant Ruby in the center wins." Peter smiled evilly."We have to go back and tell the Lost Boys."

I looked around and it was already early morning. I can't believe I didn't get any sleep. All the boys were eating breakfast as Peter and I approached the camp.

"Peter your back!" Toddles shouted as he ran up to us. "Wendy!" Toodles gave me a hug to which I returned of course I have to admit it was a little weird. All the boys surrounded us as if they knew we had an announcement.

"Tink is everyone here?" Peter asked looking up to Tinkerbell's tiny house up in the tree.

"Yup. Everyone is accounted for." Tink saluted to Peter.

"Good. Now boys today our game will be treasure hunt." All the boys looked excited and Peter went to explain what they had to find. "Now the only rule is you can't get caught. If you get caught you are disqualified unless..." Peter froze all dramatic like. "unless you get to it before I do and bring it back without anyone noticing."

All the boys were getting excited I could tell. Boys were looking at each other.

"Okay everyone team up." Peter said and all the boys got into pairs.

"Michael John come here." I said waving my arm.

Michael and John came up to me.

"What is it Wendy?" John asked.

"Are you two going to play?" I asked and they nodded. "Then be careful you don't know this island as well as the other boys."

"You are playing to." Peter smirked.

"What about teams?" I asked.

"Teams of two Michael and John then you and me." Peter smiled.

"Fine but you should know I have a gift for finding things that are lost." I bragged.

"That must be something we have in common." Peter grabbed my arm. "Time to go."

"Let the games begin!" I yelled at all the lost boys and a loud gong rang and we were off.

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