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Hola Everyone,

It's Satuday and I am here with the next update😀😀😀. Apologies for the delay but I was caught up with my work. So here goes the first story update of this weekend.

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.


As soon as Sonakshi saw Tina she was left tongue-tied, she was probably the last person she was expecting to meet while at the same time everyone looked at Sonakshi, confusion clearly etched on their faces seeing the unknown person in their room. All the while Tina was looking keenly at Sonakshi, she felt as if she had seen the girl standing before them earlier but could not remember where it was. Everyone was silent when Sonakshi decided to break the silence, she could understand that nobody in the room seemed to know her.

"Hi I am Sonakshi, Actually the nurse just told me that the person who informed them about my Dad's deteriorating health is here, I wanted to meet and thank him" she said with a smile as everyone absorbed the information, just then Tina seemed to remember who the person was. It was the same girl who had shouted at Dev on the Ferry the other day, in fact it was same girl because of whom Dev's life was in a mess and he had lost all his relations as anger surged through her.

"Yes, it was our friend Dev who had informed the Doctor and helped your father" said Tina curtly which caught Sonakshi by surprise but the very next moment she looked at them perplexed, did she hear right? Did the girl just say Dev had helped her father?

"What did you say? Dev??" she asked clearly befuddled

"Yes Dev, the same Dev whom you had shouted upon that day in the ferry. The same person whose life is in a mess because of you. Aren't you satisfied that you have come here as well?" asked Tina in anger as Ranveer gestured to keep her calm while at the same Bunty seemed to remember as well who Sonakshi was.

"Aren't you the same girl who had slapped Dev that day at the Pub?" said Bunty and added "Yes, in fact now I remember it was you"

As Sonakshi heard them she was bubbling with anger, though Dev had helped her father she could not fathom the fact the it was him, the person whom she hated to the core, the person who had deceived her best friend and was troubling her from the past few days.

"If it was Dev then it would have been better had he not helped my father at all" she said in an angry tone as everyone looked at her incredulously, they could not believe that the girl hated Dev so much that she was not ready to take any help from him, even it concerned her father health.

"What do you think of yourself, Do you believe Dev is such a bad person that he does not deserve to help your father?" asked Tina in a high pitch as Ranveer held her hand trying to calm her down.

"Oh, you might have forgiven the person who betrayed you after impregnating you with his child but I am not so forgiving Madam" said Sonakshi sarcastically as everyone looked at her surprised, unable to understand what she was alluding to.

"What are you talking about?" asked Tina, confusion clearly etched in her voice as it was Sonakshi's turn to look at Tina disbelievingly.

"Are you serious? You don't even remember what I am talking about? I am talking about that day when you and Dev were arguing about your pregnancy while he just denied any knowledge about it and dumped you" said Sonakshi as Tina's confusion increased but then it dawned on to her what Sonakshi was talking about as she slapped her head.

THE UNSPOKEN LOVE - A DEVAKSHI SS {{COMPLETED}}Where stories live. Discover now