Twenty-Nine: Hospital Honeymoon

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Colin, Lana, and Jack all sat in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for Jen to get out of surgery. Colin had a cold cup of coffee in his hands, checking his phone every five seconds, as if he'd pick it up and there'd be a sudden text from her, even though she was in the operating room, right now. He knew Ginny was bringing Hailee back the next day, and she was going to visit then, but he half expected her to text him, 'On my way! Hailee's down for a nap and Josh agreed to watch him.'

"Family of Jennifer Morrison?" A nurse called. Colin was sure it was the same woman as last time. Both him and Lana approached nervously.

"I'm her husband." Colin tried to seem calm, but he was falling apart. Despite all the well wishes from their fans, friends, and families, he couldn't seem to pull himself out of doubt that she would ever wake up.

"She's just fine. She will be here a couple weeks, to see how her body reacts, but she's doing great. She requested a Colin and a Hailee." The nurse explained cheerfully.

"Hailee is our daughter, but she's at the sitter. That's her nephew and this is her best friend. Can they come?" Colin asked hopefully.

"Of course, follow me back." The nurse chirped. Colin smiled when he saw his stubborn wife, sitting up with her glasses on.

"Hey, baby!" Jen smiled. Colin let out a sigh of relief as he placed a gentle hand on the good side of her waist.

"You look good for someone who just got out of surgery." He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I'm never going to look good in a bikini again." Jen joked.

"Of course you will. No one can judge your scars, because you kicked cancer's ass." Colin insisted.

"You're just saying that because you're used to the scars and you like the view." Jen argued.

"A little bit." Colin shrugged. Jen let out a soft laugh, which hurt like hell, but she'd gotten good at hiding her pain.

"I am exhausted." She sighed.

"And you're hurting. I can see it in your eyes." Colin smiled, bringing his hand up from her waist to cup her cheek. Jen smiled gently, shaking her head.

"I'm fine, I promise. Oh, hey Lan. Hey, Jack, how's Dezzy?" She teased. Jack rolled his eyes as his mother and aunt laughed at him.

"Even right after a surgery, you make fun of me." Jack teased. Jen laughed and nodded, keeping her eyes locked with Lana's.

"What?" Lana asked. Jen rolled her eyes.

"You're the worst at hiding things. We'll talk about this later." Jen insisted. Just then, Ginny knocked on the doorframe, the door already open. Hailee was in her arms, Josh behind her with Oliver.

"Hey, guys. How are you feeling, Jen?" Ginny asked.

"Great. How was she?" Jen asked. Ginny handed the baby to Colin, then took Oliver from Josh.

"Really good. She didn't even notice you were gone until I told her we were coming to see you." Ginny smiled. Jen relaxed a bit. She always felt bad when she had to leave Hailee with other people. Jen attempted to move over, but Colin stopped her. There were chairs by her bed, it wasn't like everyone had to stand.

"Daddy, Mama cah-ser." Hailee said, pointing to her mother in the hospital bed beside her.

"No, Hails. Mama's cancer is all gone now. She's all better." Colin told the little girl. Jan froze, tears filling her eyes. It was one thing to hear your friends say it, but having her daughter's third ever word be 'cancer' felt terrible. Hailee clapped her hands and bounced on Colin's hip.

"Mama!" She squealed, reaching out her arms towards her mother.

"Hailee, Mama has owies, she can't hold you right now." Colin explained.

"Sit her next to me." Jen insested. Colin set Hailee in the bed next to his wife, keeping hold of her hand.

"All right, Jen's on pain meds, right?" Lana asked.

"Yes, just not enough. It still hurts." Jen groaned. Colin hit the nurse button before Jen could stop him.

"Yes! I love loopy Jen." Lana exclaimed. Colin laughed and sat down in one of the chairs. When the nurses came in, he took Hailee out of Jen's bed and let them increase the dose of meds for his wife. As soon as the meds kicked in, Jen got a dopey smile on her face and Lana started recording.

"Colin?" She asked. She sounded high, which made her friends laugh, but she just looked confused. Colin gave her a gentle smile and took her hand in his.

"Yes, baby?" He replied.

"I love you." Jen smiled, closing her eyes.

"I love you, too." He whispered.

"I'm not sleeping! I'm a dinosaur, you know." Jen insisted, her eyes still closed. Lana, Ginny, Jack, and Josh had to cover their mouths to muffle their laughter.

"No, I didn't. That's pretty cool." He told her. He knew from previous experience that Jen was not enjoyable when you made her mad on pain meds.

"It's very cool. I'm amazing. And don't say anything cheesy! It's cute, but dinosaurs don't like cheese." Jen replied. Colin chuckled lightly and kissed the back of her hand.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"Dinosaurs don't get tired. I just want you to hold me." Jen whined, like a little kid.

"How about Ginny drops Hails off with your mom at our place, and you can take your nap?" Colin asked, looking to Ginny, who nodded and took Hailee from his arms. All of their friends left, leaving the young couple alone in each other's arms.

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