Six: It's Later

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Jen and Colin were on the couch together, Lana had gone home and Julia was in the guest room, asleep. Colin had his arms wrapped aroung Jen's waist, holding her close. Jen's head rested on Colin's chest, eyes closed. Colin kissed the top of her head gently, a smile on his lips. The T.V. was playing Once (Julia's suggestion) and the beanstalk scene was coming up. Jen was listening, and when she heard the beginning of the beanstalk, she opened her eyes and laughed. The scene felt so old now, it was crazy to think it was only two years old.

"Hey, Colin? It's later." Jen whispered. He laughed, and she looked up at him, a smile on her face.

"Let's go on a date." He said.

"It's one A.M! We can't go on a date!" She excaimed. He shrugged, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, we can." He smirked. Jen knew she couldn't win, so she caved. She stood and grabbed her shoes. He jumped up and put on his shoes, then grabbed Jen's car keys off of the kitchen counter.

"Where are we going?" Jen laughed as he practically dragged her out the door and thrust the keys in her hands to lock the door.

"My favorite place in Vancouver." He answered, taking the keys from her hands and pulling her to the elevator. She tilted her head and laughed at the childish smile on his face as he punched in the floor below hers. She knew he lived in the apartment below hers, so she wasn't surprised. When he told her to wait outside the door and brought out a guitar case and a reusable shopping bag full of blankets and a couple flashlights, locking the door behind himself, she was surprised. They took the elevator to the main floor and Colin got in the driver's seat without a word.

"Not even a hint?" She asked. He shook his head with a smirk, starting the car. He took the long way around town, hoping to confuse her even more. Unfortunately fot Jen, he was successful. When he turned onto a road that lead to a place in the woods that they used for the Enchanted Forest, she was even more confused. Colin kept looking over to see if she was getting it. The puzzled expression on her face told him that he was successful, and he laughed as she looked over for any hints.

"Almost there." He laughed. Jen looked out the window again to see that they were nearly to the parking lot for the hiking trail.

"Hiking?" She asked, turning back towards him.

"It's a small hike from here." He replied, parking the car in the empty parking lot. She climbed out of the car as soon as it was unlocked. He grabbed his guitar and bag out of the trunk and slammed it closed. He took her hand with his free one, then lead her to a small clearing. She smiled and looked around. It was beautiful. The night sky was littered with stars, dimly lighting the clearing. He set down his guitar and began to lay out the blankets while Jen took in the beauty of the world around her. She turned to Colin, a shocked smile on her face.

"Wow." She whispered. He nodded and took her hand again, pulling her onto the blankets.

"You like it?" He asked. She nodded, entertwining their fingers.

"I love it." She whispered. Colin smiled and kissed her gently.

"My favorite place. I play out here sometimes, and nobody knows it's here. I love coming with the cast to shoot, just so that I can have a few minutes out of the city." He explained.

"I can't believe I never saw you sneak off! I have my own spot out here." Jen exclaimed. "I write a little." Her tone dropped, and Colin could barely hear her. He smiled and puled her closer. She rested her head on his chest, a gentle smile on her face as she closed her eyes.

He began to whisper in her ear, "You know, I'm going to tell you everything I love about you. I love your smile. I love the way your eyes light up when someone talks about your family, on and offscreen. I love how when you put your time into something, you don't stop until it's perfect. If you love someone, you'd never give up on them. You're the most adorable person on the planet..." Colin contined, but Jen drifted off to sleep in his arms, a content smile on her lips. Colin eventually laid back, careful not to wake her, drifting off to sleep as well.

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