But, hey- at least it goes along with your "bad boy" image.

You eyed the girl suspiciously.

It was the very same girl; The one that blew the raspberry at you the first time you even came to this place,

"Give it back-"

You said standing up sharply, your chair scraping along the ground.

She sent you a mischevious smirk, dangling the bracelet on her index finger and spinning it around in a cocky manner,

"Or else what, (Y/n)?"

She said before turning on her heel; her wavy brown locks swaying behind her with so much sass it would put a reality tv star to shame.

You marched to her, she was really starting to aggravate your nerve.

You had, not the slightest clue of why she all of a sudden wanted to begin bothering you so much lately.

You grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her harshly to a nearby wall.

Luckily, you both were in a somewhat secluded area; Kyoya would've had your neck if he saw you doing this to a guest.

Just the thought of Kyoya's backward insults and threats made you shiver in fear.

Even though you were of average height, you were considered quite tall among the female students.

I mean, of course you were taller than them. They were built like dwarves.

Majority of the female population at Ouran standing from four eleven to five four.

Her hand was still clutching the bracelet and she stared at you with wide eyes. Filled with intriguement and interest,

"I don't know what you're up to. But don't bring other people into it. Quit this childish...game you're playing-"

You returned before grabbing the bracelet and walking away, your boots clacking against the floor.

You tossed the bracelet onto the table before looking back at the notorious girl.

She simply skipped away, returning to Honey Senpai's table.

Only, she had a wide grin on her face the whole time; like she was delighted because of this encounter.

What the freak??


You sighed before pressing your cheek against the cool mahogany table,

"I should start getting paid for this-"

"What's up with you?"

Kaoru questioned, sitting alongside you.

You glanced around, wondering if his mischevious brother would come bother you as well,

"The other one's not with you?"

You chirped,

"He said he needed to run some errands around the school regarding his grades-"

He chuckled,




The ginger boy sent you a confused look before changing the subject,

"Do you know that one girl with the long brown wavy hair? She always sits at Honey Senpai's table?"

You questioned the twin,

"Oh! Do you mean Kira???"

Kaoru returned,

"That's her name? Kira?"

"Yea...she's in my class. Honestly, she's a bit on the weird side and a tad bit reserved. She's kinda shy too-"


I wouldn't describe what she was doing earlier as "shy".

"Everyone!~ May I have your attention!~"

Tamaki clapped,

"Since we have a relaxing four day weekend coming up, why don't we celebrate it! And commemorate our hard work as hosts!"

He grinned.

"Kyoya owns his own private beach, why don't we pay a visit?"

You shrugged,

"I kind of just want to spend my weekend playing Fortnite and sleeping-"

"That's great (Y/n)!~ Glad you could make it!-"

You only sighed before nuzzling your nose into your forearm as your head used the rest of your arm as a headrest,


The female cast the blond a glance,

"Yes, Tamaki Senpai?-"

She muttered.

The tall prince whipped out a bathing suit and held it out for Haruhi,

"Try this on!~ Come on, please!~ You need something to wear for our trip!~"

He sang,

"I'd rather not, Tamaki Senpai. I don't think I'm going to swim"

Haruhi returned, before simply walking away.

An arrow struck through his heart as his arms fell limp and
his posture became droopy,



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