Chapter 14: Nice To See You

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{ Maya's P.O.V }

Boy: I'm so sor- Maya?

Maya: Max?

My frenemy, after years... I get to see Maxwell Bennett. His gorgeous blue eyes, handsome brown hair... Yea, I've liked him since we've met. But I turned into his frenemy, uh oh.. I'm falling for him..

^^That's Max Bennett ^^

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^^That's Max Bennett ^^

{ Max's P.O.V }

Oh my god... I bumped into the one and only Maya Carter, I can't believe it. After all these years trying to get her off my mind, everything about her comes flowing back into my mind. The most beautiful brown hair i've ever seen, sparkling brown eyes. Damn I just wanted to kiss her

Maya: Max? Earth to Max?

Max: Huh? Oh sorry

Maya: It's fine

Max: How are you, Carter?

Maya: You mean Manheim, I got adopted

Max: Oh congrats!

She chuckles, god I missed her laughs. I always loved to make her laugh when we were younger

Maya: Thanks, Bennett.

My phone vibrates, I check to see what it was. It was my mom

New Text Message From Mom

Mom: Max, come home with Mason, time for lunch!
Max: Alright, Be there in 10

I look up, I gave her my new number. I run to see Mason flirting with a girl, Mason's my older brother. He's 18 while i'm 17, He acts way more like my younger brother Malcolm and my younger sister Maddison. He's 15 and She's 9, they're all annoying AF. I pull him from the girl

Max: Mom wants us home.

Mason: Fine, let's go.

I walk away from the park, we arrived home. Malcolm and Maddison are already eating, I remember... MAYA

Max: Hey What's up?

{ Maya's P.O.V }

Max: Hey What's up?
Maya: The ceiling boi.
Max: Wow..
Maya: Ikr
Max: You still act like the 12 y/o Maya ik.
Maya: Why thank you
Max: No problemo
Maya: Sorry gtg, gonna hang out with Ross.
Max: Who's he?
Maya: Best friend since day 1, boi.
Max: Ok.. Bye.
Maya: Deuces.

Ross: Ya doneee??

Maya: Yes, where are we going?

Ross: My old house bro!

Maya: Alright, less goo

He bolts out of the bus, I follow him. I do my secret handshake with Riker and then escape the hot bus. Ross is already in the car, I laugh

adoptedㅣmilo manheim. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now