Chapter 4: Not The Same

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*3 Years Later*

Maya's POV

Milo isn't the same, remember when I said that I love life and how I want it to stay like that? That was when I was 13, Now Milo and I are 16. He's dating this girl Alexa, and let's just say i'm jealous. Over the past few years I had catched some feelings for my own step-brother, weird right? But I know Milo doesn't like me like that. Even Mom knows I like Milo, she even hates Alexa cause you know why? Alexa freaking threatened to kill Mom and I if we don't back off of Milo... Milo's my brother genius, but nowadays idk... Popularity has gone through his head, not from his upcoming movie ZOMBIES but from School, he goes to parties and he ignores me at school. Ever since he started dating Alexa Manchester.
It was a bright Saturday Morning, but it wasn't that great. I held a tiny grudge from Milo, on Monday at school he called me Loser and Ugly just to gain more popularity. Even worse Mom had to go to work so it was only Milo and I.

Milo: Wake up sis it's 9 am

I glare at him and cover my face, he sighs

Milo: Ok i'm sorry I called you those things.

Maya: Whatever just leave me alone.

I get off my bed and make breakfast for myself, I didn't wanna look at Milo. You know what I realized? He's completely blind about all of this. What has Alexa done with him?

Milo: Ok can you stop being so angry?!

I can't believe this boy..


Milo: You know I didn't mean it..


I run upstairs and get dressed, I wore camoflage pants and a black shirt. I texted my friend Rydel asking if I could come over

Maya: Can I come over? I can't stand Milo rn

Rydel: Yea sure! Tell me what happened when you arrive here ok?

Maya: I will

I walked downstairs to see a sad Milo, regret filled into his eyes. He was eating oatmeal, watching the show that i'm in Austin And Ally, I play Austin's sister that's kinda how i've met the Lynch's. I grab my White Vans and my Skateboard, without saying goodbye I went to the Lynch's.

Milo's POV

Ok ok I know what you're gonna say, Milo why did you call your sister that? Why do you care about popularity? I don't know ok? Alexa changed me, after all these years I realized I like my own sister. She's not biologically my sister so I can date her! But I know she doesn't like me... Even after I called her Fat and a Loser... I think I just lost my chance with her.

Maya's POV

I arrived to their house, Ross opened the door and pulled me into a TIGHT hug. That's how he always greets me

Ross: So what brings you here Maya?

Maya: Milo...

Yea I told him about Milo, I only speak of the truth. Ross and the rest are like my older siblings... That actually cares about me, Ross is 1 year older than me which makes him 17, wowee my math is legit

Ross: What did he do this time?

I explained what happened, Rydel heard the convo so she joined. Ross and Rydel were angry, they know I have a crush on Milo but Milo treats me like crap so I don't have any chance with him, especially when he insulted me. I stayed there until it was late at night, I didn't contact my Mom nor Milo so Ik I would get in trouble.

Milo: Well look who we have here! Maya Xander Manheim!

I flinched when he said my middle name, remember when I told you about how I get hurt when someone says my full name? You know? Cause my parents said it before they died...
When he said that, I broke in tears, Milo and Mom looked shocked. I've NEVER and I repeat NEVER cried after my parents death, I needed to be strong. I ran upstairs to my room, and sobbed

*Knock knock*

Maya: Go away..

Mom: Honey why are you crying?

Maya: Read my adoption paper..

After that she left with Milo to find the paper.

Milo's POV

Omg.. I made Maya cry, I felt guilty but idk why? All I said was her full name, she ran upstairs and Mom and I followed her. She told us to read her adoption paper so we read it:

"NEVER EVER say her full name, if you do she'll think about her flashback about her parents death. Her parents said her full name before they died, so whenever she hears her full name... Mostly her middle name she breaks down, nothing can make her cry except her full name."

I froze, this was all my fault....My mom looks at me with disappointment

Mom: You need to apologize to your sister okay?

I nod, I walked upstairs thinking about how stupid I am. I hear her sniffle, I unlocked the door and I sit next to her on the bed.

Milo: Look sis, i'm sorry I put you through this bullcrap. I'm so freaking sorry, I was so stupid to call you names and ignore you. Can you PLEASE forgive me?

Maya's POV

Milo: Look sis, i'm sorry I put you through this bullcrap. I'm so freaking sorry, I was so stupid to call you names and ignore you. Can you PLEASE forgive me?

He stares at me with his eyes, I could tell he was sincere. I saw the old nice caring Milo in his eyes, I nod he looks like he just won the grammy award. He pulls me into a hug, and I felt a drop on my shoulder... I realized Milo was crying.. I hugged him tighter, he looks at me and hands me a dog tag that says "Together Forever"

Milo: No matter what never take this off, this simbolizes our whole friendship. I have the same one right here

He points to the simular Dog tag, I smiled and put it on. Ugh, I still like him.. You know what? I'll find someone else, Milo definitley doesn't have a crush on me AND he's dating Alexa. So why should I be the one suffering?

adoptedㅣmilo manheim. ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя