Chapter 7: Fun Day

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^^ *Picture Of The Manheim's* ^^

{ Matthew's P.O.V }

I just heard Mom and Dad screaming, I rubbed my eyes open and ran to my parent's room. I saw a man in all black, I looked at my parent's and they were terrified.
Mom: M.J Honey! Run!
Matthew: No! I'm not leaving you guys
Dad: Sonny MJ, you have to! Just remember to be strong alright?
Matthew: Yes Daddy..
Mom & Dad: Now go MJ!
I ran as fast as I could to the park, I was sobbing. Half way to the park I heard two gunshots, I paused. I collapsed to the floor and cried my eyes out until a lady came and took me to the L.A Adoption Center. She was really nice, but now... I hate being called M.J
*Flashback Finished*

I woke up crying my eyes out, I hugged my dog stuffy... And then I saw my sister walk into my room, she asked me what's wrong and I told her everything. I asked if I could sleep with her tonight and she let me, she carried me like a baby into her room. She set me on her bed and she grabbed an extra blanket, she was so nice. Nicer than my older brother, J.C=James Carson Sawyer. He always went to parties and did drugs, he was only 15.. I looked up to him, but he died at the age of 15 because of the drugs. I miss him, especially the old J.C. I got snapped out of my thoughts when Maya kept asking me if I was alright, I nodded she just smiled and turned around.
"8:30 AM"
{ Maya's P.O.V }

I woke up from my alarm, I turn around and I see Matty asleep. I got up hoping I wouldn't wake him up, I accomplished my goal! I wrapped him in my blankets like he was a burrito. I did my daily morning routine and changed into My Dark Green hoodie and White joggers, I came out and see Matthew rubbing his eyes.

Maya: mornin sleepy head

Matthew: heehee Morning sis

He left to go get ready, I walked to Milo's room and he's still sleeping..... So I jumped on him;)

Milo: Owwee what was that for?

Maya: ya gotta wake up

Milo: Kiss me on the cheek first.

I chuckled and then I kissed his cheek. I left his room and started eating delicious breakfast Mom made, I wanted to bring Matthew to set so I asked him if he wanted to and he agreed with me. I texted the Lynch's group chat so they could all meet my new brother

Group Chat: RM Legitnesses🤘🏼
Maya: Hey guys!
Rydel: yea?
Rocky: wussuhh
Riker: What's uppppo
Ross: What is up muh dude
Ryland: yes bro??
Ratliff: OmG wHaT's uP??
Maya: Can u guys all go to set?
Ratliff: YaS qUeEn
Rydel: yea sure gurl!
Ross: Alrightyyyyyyÿyyy
Rocky: okkkkkkiii dokiii
Ryland: ya sure bruh
Riker: Definitely yasss

I chuckled from everyone's response, especially Ratliff's that dude's got problems but I do too so yea.. I checked to see if Matthew was done, he was wearing a Black hoodie with a soccerball in the middle with the number 6 and his name at the bottom of the soccerball, Red soccer shorts, and Black Sk8 Hi Vans. While I was wearing a Black Hoodie with "Manheim #2" at the front, Adidas Joggers, and White Sk8 Hi Vans. Mom dropped us off to set and then she left to work, you might be thinking.... Where's Milo?? He's filming ZOMBIES 2, what a fun day of filming right?
I entered the building and I see the Lynch's and a Ratliff all running towards Matt and I. Everyone was asking questions to Matthew, there was a LOT of questions so I decided to step in

Maya: Guys! This is my new younger brother Matthew!

Everyone: awwee

Matthew: Hi there

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