Chapter 11: Happy Birthday Milo!

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- Yes, I am aware that Milo's Birthday was on the 6th of March. I was kind of busy to work on a new chapter but rn I get to make a chapter for you guys. -R
{ Maya's P.O.V }
"4:30 AM"

Alright. I had to wake up at 4 to pick up Ross and Rydel, we were all going to the mall to get some party stuff and gifts for Milo. Meanwhile at home Mom and Matthew are gonna distract Milo, and the mischievious part about my plan is we're gonna try to make Milo think we forgot his birthday😏
Anyways, I grabbed my Black Adidas joggers, a Red hoodie, and White Sk8 Hi Vans. I texted my buds on the group chat

Group Chat: Party Buds🎉
Maya: Hey guys, you awake?
Rydel: Yea, i'm just tryna wake Ross up🙄
Ross: u kno. Waking me up by getting Rocky to dump a bucket of water while i'm sleeping ISN'T A GOOD IDEA!😡
Rydel: Hey. At least you woke up?
Rydel: Oh welp.
Maya: Awwe poor Ross
Ross: At least someone feels SYMPATHY for ME
Rydel: oh man up Shor! Get ready before it's to late
Ross: I think it already is.... BECAUSE I'M SOAKED
Maya: GUYS! Just get ready😂😂
Ross: Fine
Rydel: Alrighty

I walked into Matthew's room, he was sound asleep. But I think he cried himself to sleep, he had red puffy eyes, Omg I feel so bad. I kissed him on the forehead and he jumped

Matthew: W-what a-are you d-doing?

Maya: It's alright Matthew, i'm about to leave to the Lynch's remember? It's Milo's bday. Please tell me you remembered the plan

Matthew: ohh ok, yes I did

Maya: Good, now you can go back to bed

He nodded and I tucked him to bed, I grabbed a granola bar and head out the door. I arrived at the Lynch's, I peeked through the window and I saw Ross and Rocky trying to fight for a piece of bacon... I chuckle to myself and rung the doorbell, a few seconds later I saw a Half awoken Riker awake at the door

Maya: Bro... Did you just wake up?

Riker: I've been up all night trying to write a song, I only got 3 hours of sleep...

Maya: Awwe poor Rikey, you should go back to bed I'm gonna go wait for Ross and Rydel

Riker: God bless you Maya, thank you... BYE!

He ran up to his room, I chuckled and stared at Ross and Rocky still trying to fight for the piece of bacon. I walk up to the boys and the bacon, I simply grabbed it and ate it

Ross & Rocky: Mayyaaaa

They whined

Maya: You boys have been fighting for this piece of bacon in my stomach, I swear you both are 2 years old...

Everyone starts laughing except Rocky and Ross, they just playfully pout. I ruffled up their hair, I walk up to Rydel.

Rydel: Hey gurlll!

Maya: Heyo! You ready?

Rydel: Yes we are, Ross let's go!

He looks at Rydel and nods he runs up to bathroom and quickly fixes his hair, Rydel drove us to the mall. We got out of the van and headed to the first store Milo liked, Champion.
"7:30 AM"
{ Milo's P.O.V }

I fluttered my eyes open to see nothing, usually Maya and Mom would leave me breakfast and a nice note. But not today... I'm not gonna sct all greedy, maybe I'll just check the living toom. I got up at wore my Beige Champion hoodie and Gray jeans. I walked downstairs to see Mom making breakfast and Matthew playing Mario Kart on the Wii, I looked at Matthew and he just smiled

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