13. It is very unpleasant...

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 I roll over in bed and slap the alarm clock on the table. I groan and snuggle back into my blankets. A few seconds pass before my eyes shoot open and I gasp. Yesterday... I go over and over what happened in my mind, trying to find some sort of reason for it to all be a bad dream. A really, really bad dream.

The chances of all that happening are actually quite high. I mean, this is Gotham city we are talking about! This kind of stuff happens all the time around here.

I slide out of bed and wince when my feet hit the floor. Basically every single muscle in my body aches right now and a small purple bruise lay on my arm. I stumble, excruciatingly so, into the bathroom to which I turn on the shower. All I want to do at the moment is continue ignoring life and go back to bed where it is warm and I don't have to walk around.

I strip off all my clothes from yesterday and step into the shower only to step back out because of the scorching water. Once it had cooled down I step back into the shower. I slide down the wall and hug my knees to my chest. I sit there for a long time in silence, Maybe an hour? It just occurred to me that I don't actually remember getting home. The last thing I seem to be able to recall was when the guy left me in the street.

My thoughts trail to Joey... How could I be so stupid? Of course he didn't actually like me. How didn't I realize that? He made it so obvious. I guess I was just to caught up in my own little fantasies that I didn't even want to believe that he didn't like me. I cant necessarily be mad at him for not liking me... But I sure can be mad for when he decided to embarrass me in front of everyone at school and leading me on.

At this very moment my emotions consist of anger, confusion, sadness and fear. It is very unpleasant...

Why did the guy in the mask go? Because he was a good person? No, he cant be. If he was really a good person I doubt he would have shot and probably killed that guy, even if he was an evil creep that didn't really deserve to live. 

Gosh, my life is a mess at the moment!

I turn off the shower and step onto the cold tiles only to wrap a towel around my now shivering body. I walk out of the bathroom and across my room into the closet. I take out some pajamas and get changed into them. I shove my hair up into a messy bun and climb back into bed. I spot my phone on the table beside my bed and I grab it. I put in the pin and check my messages. I literally have one, and its from my mom... How pitiful.

Hey darling. Your father and I know that you are busy with your school work and everything but the whole family has been invited to a party the Wayne's manor next week. Your sister is coming as well. If you want to come your father will send you the invitation.

Wow. That's new. My parents are always getting invited to events and parties but Sarah and I have never really been aloud to come. I have always wanted to go to the Wayne's manor. I had always been inspired by what Mr and Mrs Wayne had done for the community. They had been murdered a few years ago while walking home from a night out with their son, Bruce. Who ever had killed them left Bruce alive and made him watch the whole thing. I had never met them in person, my parents had though. They were always all over the news and stuff. Bruce had taken control of the entire company after his parents death with the help of his valet. I will get my dad to give me all the details. 

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