2. In the woods...

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We walk out of the woods back onto Fells Road "Bye Jack" I say. For the past three hours we have been talking and playing eye-spy. My house is about a ten minute walk from here. "Will you be at the treehouse tomorrow?" I ask him. "yes" he says. "see you later" I say. I turn away from him and walk down the road. 

I reach my house. The second I open the door I am greeted by the angry faces of my Mom and dad. "Where have you been!?!" My Mom demands before I can even close the door. I flinch at her sharp tone. "At school" I lie. My cousin, Alex always said that I was a good liar. "No you weren't. We just got a call from the school. Where were you?" She demands again. I sigh. "In the woods..." I trail off, looking down. When I look back up, my parents are fuming. "Why on earth were you in the woods?" My dad asks. I shrug. I spot my sister, Sarah, standing in the doorway behind my parents. she gives me a sympathetic smile. "Mother, Father, dinner's ready" She says. My sister is nice to me, but she is an absolute goody two shoes. She always does what she is told and goes out of her way just to impress our parents. They turn their back on me and follow my sister into the dining room. I walk into the dining room and take my seat at the table. I ignore the salad and the roast vegetables and go straight for the chicken while my sister on the other hand, only grabs salad. I dig in. "So, Sarah." My dad says. "How did that test go today?" He asks her. She smiles before saying "It went great" My sister is four, nearly five years older that me. "that's good"


(Next morning)

"Darling, what on earth are you wearing?" My mom asks me. She asks me this nearly every day. I look down at my striped blue leggings and top to match. I just smile up at her. "What about that nice dress I bought you? Why dont you wear that?" Oh, do you mean that bright frilly pink one that I can't walk in because it is so long? I am pretty sure I cut that up a long time ago. When I dont answer, she just sighs in aggravation. "Why cant you be more like your sister?" She asks to herself. 

As if on cue, my darling sis strides through the door. "morning" She chirped to us as she walks into the kitchen. She comes back out carrying mine and her bags. she passes me mine. I mutter a quiet thanks. "Come on Harleen, or we'll be late" She grabs my wrist and tugs me towards the front door. "Bye mother" She yells as she closes the door behind her. I dont see how Sarah can be bothered to please them 24/7. I can't even please them for the short time that they actually have to pay attention to me.

All the boys at my school can't seem to take their eyes off my sister as she walks me up to the school doors. She was the pretty one out of the two of us. She had long, wavy blonde hair, she was tall, she had green eyes and always looked amazing while me one the other hand had shoulder length dirty blonde hair that was frizzy rather than wavy and my eyes, a dull grey. 

"goodbye" she says. I tightening my grip on my bag. "bye" I say. She walks out of the school grounds while I stumble into the hallway. The minute I do, everyone immediately Pushes themselves against the walls or windows. I sigh. It looks like the 'H germs' spread fast.

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