10. What?

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I slam my locker door shut. Today I promised myself that I was going to go sit with Joey at lunch. I have been working up to it all day and am still trying to convince myself that will be Ok. I haven't seen Joey much today. I saw him in English and in the hallway a few times but that was it.

I walk into the cafeteria. My empty table in the corner of the room didn't look that bad at the moment and I would happily go and sit there right now rather than the over-crowded, loud table that joey was currently sat at. 

I toughen up and slowly stumble over there. "Ah... Hey, Joey. Is this seat taken?"I asks awkwardly, pointing to the empty chair beside him.  "Ah...No, Its taken" He says just as his friend says "yes, You can sit there". Joey glares at him while he just smirks.  I hesitate but when Joey nods I slide into the chair beside him. "So, Harleen...How was your date with Joey?" His friends asks me. The second the words left his mouth it seemed like everyone in the cafeteria looked at us. "Um... It was fun, we went to the movies" I whisper. "Fun? How about you joey? DId you enjoy it?" He asks, smirk still spread across his face.

 It suddenly occurred to me that Joey might not have enjoyed the date. If he didnt I might just actually crumple in a pile of dust on the floor, and if he did? Yay?  "Ah...Yeah, it was ok..." He trails off. It was good enough for me. A huge grin makes its way onto my face. "That is  absolutely wonderful! When are you going out again?" He asks. Joey glares at him even harder. "We're not" he says with a sigh. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. "Aww! WHy not?" His friend whines. "Because...Because I dont like her" Joey whispers. The second the words left his mouth I felt my heart break. 

All his friends smirk. "What was that?" He asks. "I said I dont like her!" Joey all but yells. I turn my head to look at him fully now.  "What?" I whisper, my voice so quiet at first I thought he had heard it. "I dont like you" He repeats for the third time. "This was all a dare. I dont actually like you. You are quite literally the complete polar opposite to me. Everything you do is weird. You disgust me" His voice was different now, harsh and mean. This was not the Nice, caring Joey that I had like.  I hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.

 "Wait, you didn't actually think that someone like Joey would actually want to date something as weird and as gross as you, did you?" A girl across from me sneered. Everyone in the room was either laughing, whispering or staring. I get up out of my chair and grab my bag off the floor before sprinting out of the cafeteria as fast as I could. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer as they poured over my cheeks,  staining my face. I ran right out of school and into the dark side of town.

ToxicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora