Chapter Nineteen

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A\N: Sorry for the short chapter but I haven't had a whole lot of time to write because I have been dealing with the fact that my Great Uncle passed away this past Friday.



  "Fuck," I hissed as pain radiated through my ribs that were bruised from when Vincent beat me a few hours ago and I jumped when the door opened and I looked up to see Dimitri being thrown in and the door was slammed shut and the lock clicked.

  "I got some ace bandages to wrap your ribs," he said standing up and moving closer and I gasped when I saw his face.

  "What happened?" I asked staring at the dark bruise that covered his left cheek and most of his jaw. "Did he do that?"

  "I'm fine," Dimitri winced as he tightly wrapped my ribs. "I was in his office without permission."

  "Why were you in there?" I asked relaxing back some as pulled Dimitri into my lap.

  "I was calling your family for help," he whispered wrapping his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder. "He's planning on killing you and I don't want that to happen."

  "You need to worry about yourself and staying safe," I said running my fingers through his short hair. "I can take care of myself."

  "I...I can't take any more of the killing," Dimitri whimpered and I felt his tear soak through my shirt. 

  "I know," I whispered and started humming softly trying to calm him down and after I few minutes his breathing evened out and I realized he had fallen asleep; sighing I rested my cheek against the top of his head praying we were found soon.


  Hours later I jumped went the door was thrown open and I saw the man that stabbed me when I was first taken enter the room and I heard Dimitri quietly whimper when the man smirked.

  "Dimitri, when I say I want you to run," I said just loud enough for him to hear as I heard yelling coming from outside the room.


  "Dimitri," I said and I felt him nod. 

  "This is going to be enjoyable," the man said and I narrowed my eyes as he moved closer as I crouch ignoring the pull of my ribs before I lunged forward knocking the man legs out from under him.

  "RUN!" I yelled barely noting Dimitri running past us before I turned my full attention to the man as he threw me back and I slammed into the wall grunting.

  "Your gonna regret that," the man snarled and I smirked.


  "Fucking bitch," the man snarled loudly and I yelped when he threw me to the ground knocking the air out of my lungs before he crawled over me and I started kicking and punching trying to fight him off even though I knew I wouldn't be able too.

  "I might be a puppy but I'm not a dog," I growled hitting him in the jaw and wedging my legs between us and kicking off but before I could get to my feet a loud pop sounded and I started at the man in shock as the front of his white shirt turned red before he collapsed and I turned to see Dimitri standing the doorway holding a gun.

  "I-I..." he stuttered and I slowly got up and moved closer to him.

  "Dimitri, its okay," I said softly and his hands started shaking before he dropped the gun and lunged towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. "We're okay."

  "C-can w-we l-leave?" he asked stepping back

  "Yeah," I nodded grabbing the gun before exiting the room holding Dimitri's wrist with my free hand and when we got to the top of the stairs I jumped when a gun barrel was pointed in my face.

Biker's Pup (Wolves MC 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin