Chapter Fourteen

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  "Everything you just told me about this job that got your husband killed ties in with a job I've been working on for also four years now," I said. "Child trafficking ring but all the evidence we are able to gather never sticks because it somehow always disappears after reaching the higher-ups on the case. The last place the evidence is sent to before reaching the last chain is a security company named, Stone Security."

  "That's the company Justin worked for," Bailey said.

 "I'll need to look at that memory card to see what all is downloaded on it," I said and she nodded. "By the way until I know exactly who is after you-you are staying at my house so I can keep an eye on you and Zita."

  "Okay," she nodded standing up with Zita cradled in her arms and I grabbed my jacket before following her back to the truck after locking the studio doors and headed towards her house so she could grab some clothes and other items for both her and Zita before I took them to my house.

  "Sorry about the mess," I said unlocking the door. "I don't really stay here a whole lot but..."

  "Its fine," she said looking around. "I have seen messier rooms than this."

  "Right," I chuckled walking down the hallway. "There are only two bedrooms and I think there might be a playpen in the closet of the guest room from when Lily and Cowboy roomed here when Callie was first born when their house was being remodeled. I still have some of the baby stuff here."

  "Callie's four," she said and I nodded.

  "They never finished getting everything," I smiled opening the guest bedroom door and going over to the closet and digging around until I found the playpen and I pulled it out setting it at the foot of the bed. "Don't really mind it all being here and besides you should see the basement it has all of the old toys from when all the kids started growing out of them."

  "Aren't you the sentimental type," she giggled and I shrugged.

  "How does pizza sound for dinner?"

  "Good, but I'm going to give Zi a bath first," she smiled.

  "Okay," I nodded and headed towards the living room while calling the local pizza place and straightening up the room a bit.

  "That smells good," Bailey said as she walked into the living room with Zita.

  "Got your favorite."

  "Yes," she smiled handing me, Zita. "Can you hold her while I fix her a bottle?"

  "Sure," I smiled watching her rush to the kitchen with a bottle that I didn't realize she had been holding before looking down at Zita who was smiling up at me. "Cub what are you doing?"

  "Bababa," she babbled and I chuckled when I realized what was on the front of the onesie she was wearing.

  "What are you laughing at?" Bailey asked as she sat down beside me. 

  "Her pajamas," I smiled handing Zita back to her. "Kind of ironic considering."

  "My dance friends from LA thought it was hilarious," she smiled. "A lot of her clothes have a wolf on them or have a wolf saying. I don't really mind because it ties in with the name everyone calls me by and my last name."

  "Puppy," I laughed and she glared. "What? You have to admit there for a while you had the puppy dog eyes down to where whenever you did them, everyone, would do whatever you asked." 

  "I still get away with that with certain people," she laughed grabbing a slice of pizza. "But not as much as I did when I was younger."

  "Of course you do," I smiled.

  "I have work tomorrow," she said suddenly and I glanced at her as she rested Zita across her chest and laid back on the sofa. "So I'll give you the memory chip and you can show your boss and my Uncle what is on it and explain what I told you because I don't want to do it again."

  "I can do that," I nodded grabbing a blanket and covering them with it. "But for now do you want to watch a movie?"

  "Do you still have the movie Labyrinth?"

  "Yes," I smiled getting up and digging the movie out of the drawer under the TV and starting it before sitting on the couch with Bailey laid against me as we watched the movie


Sorry for the late update but I was sick all last week and didn't feel like writing anything. 

Who else watched and loved this movie?

P.S. I was watching this movie while I wrote this chapter :)

 I was watching this movie while I wrote this chapter :)

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