
No, please not now.

But since both of my parents were sat in front of me, they probably weren't able to read the name of the person who sent the message. I quickly take the phone in my hand and turn it off since I clearly know that Jason doesn't just send me one message. He practically spams me full.

"Who was that?" My Dad asks me giving me a grave look which makes me tense again.

"Um... Jennifer." I lie again and get insecure about the look my father gives me but I try to not show it.

"Why are you getting nervous then?" My mother raises an eyebrow as I rub my face with my hands overstrained.

"I don't know it's just- ..everything! I have a important exam this week and what happened today really has me stressed out." I close my eyes and mentally slap myself in the face for living again.

I'm such a bad girl. But I had to..

"Hey.. it's okay darling. It's okay. You can do it and you know we're here for you whenever you need help with anything. Come, let's go upstairs and go to sleep. Tomorrow you'll feel much better. I promise." My mama spoke lovingly to me and kissed me on my forehead before making me stand up, leading me forwards to the stairs.

I'm literally so blessed to have such amazing parents. They are so understanding with everything and don't judge me or anything. I feel so guilty for what I am doing right now..

"Remember to leave your window closed, okay querida?" Dad says from behind. I turn around and walk up to my father and give him a hug which makes him smile. He then also gives me a kiss on my forehead before telling me a good night and saying that I should take care and not go out in the darkness. I stand there for another couple of minutes listening to his little 'take care' speech.

"Am I clear ma'am?" Dad raises an eyebrow looking down at me as I nod my head as a response. I quietly say good night again before making my way to the stairs.

My mama accompanies me on my way to my room. We silently walk up the stairs as my mind starts to make up questions.

Questions like why Jason sent me a text and what he said in it. Questions like if I'll see Jason again and if I will, then when? Will anything like this happen again? Or something even worse? Am I in danger right now? Are the people around me in danger right now?

But the biggest question is: Will my parents find out the truth?

Because I know that anything done in the dark always comes to light in the end.

The truth will always be set free.

Hopefully no one finds out my little lie.


Jason's P.O.V

I stand in front of the mansion again, making my way to the front door whilst taking my keys out of the back pocket of my sweatpants. When I enter the house I walk along the big hallway and check myself in one of the large mirrors quickly before I arrive in the main living room to see some of my gang members watching a hockey game.

"Hey, where have you been?" Mason glances from the tv up at me as I make my way to them. I let myself become enveloped in the comfortable couch as I ignore his question. Neither of them say anything afterwards. We watch the game together and talk about the teams and how some of the players are so horrible at this game that I can't help but wonder how they got in there.

I'm way better though, maybe I should play some hockey again?

2 hours pass by and now I'm sat in my room, trying to fall asleep. After today's incident I haven't talked to Maya. I mean what should I say though? Sorry? Nah. Why should I apologize? For what? Should I be sorry for coming over... Nope? I wasn't the one who brought the cops there and caused all the drama so I'm not the one to blame.

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